Close Your Eyes, It Won't Hurt As Much

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Kazuichi POV


He faded through stages of consciousness, nothing but the beating of his heart was able to break through the deafening silence.

The lights grew dimmer and brighter at once. He couldn't quite explain it. It was as if a light somewhere within him was trying to overpower the light of the bathroom.

The floor around him felt odd. It was slick and sticky. He pressed down into it, and his hand gave way as he fell further to the ground.

On his side it was easier to breathe.

Easier to breathe but something stopped him.

He sucked in a breath. It felt hard, as if something was restricting him. He took another breath. And another.

Breathe in

Breathe out

Breathe in

Breathe out

Breathe in

Breathe out





Gundham POV


Gundham froze as he heard the clatter of a phone dropping in his ear. "Dark prince? What had happened Mortal? Kazuichi!" But he knew he wouldn't get an answer. That doesn't mean he wouldn't try. "Please don't give up my love, I cannot live without you." It all fell on deaf ears, he knew that, but he sure as hell wasn't going to just lay down and die and say the world had won. His dark prince would be okay, even if it cost him everything in return to save him.

So many thoughts passed through his mind as they ran. What if we don't get there in time? What if he's okay and we're overreacting? What if he's not even there? What if- Hajime's voice shook him from his thoughts of what if. "H-hey man, don't think so hard, you'll end up falling." He sounded out of breath but was still sprinting alongside Gundham.

Gundham sighed inwardly and shook his head. Hajime didn't see it, as they were running and he wasn't looking at the taller Ultimate. They could discuss their thoughts later, right now, all that mattered was saving Kazuichi.

Hajime ran alongside Gundham as they made their way from the second island to the cottage area. When they finally got to the right cottage, there was a scent of alcohol and something metallic. They ignored it, instead beginning to bang on Kazuichi's door. "Kaz! Open the door, damnit!" They tried the door handle, only to find it locked.

Gundham looked dejectedly at the shorter male. He slumped to the ground with his head in his hands. Hajime worriedly followed and slowly placed his hands on Gundham's shoulders. "Hey man, it's okay. He's gonna be fine. We're all gonna look back and laugh at how protective we were of him. You'll see."

Tanaka looked doubtfully at him but nodded. "But...what if we are too late? Or if he's okay and we've been overreacting this whole time? Or what if he's not even here?"

Hajime nodded thoughtfully. "If he's not okay, we have Mikan. She's the best you can find for this kind of thing. And if he isn't here, we keep searching. We won't give up on him, Gundham. We will make sure he's safe no matter what."


Kazuichi POV


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