We'll Meet Again Soon

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When the door to the operation theatre opened slowly, Gundham and Fuyuhiko stood up faster than they'd probably ever moved in their lives.

Gundham took in the sight of Mikan standing in front of the door as it swung closed behind her. Her apron, bandages, and gloves were completely covered with blood. Her hair was a bit disheveled, as if she'd been working for days on end without stop.

Chunks of her hair were clotted together due to blood having gotten in it. She had a surgical mask pulled down below her chin, and two bloody fingerprints stained it as if she'd had blood on her hands when she pulled it down, which was probably true. All in all, she looked like someone who went through hell to save another person.

He also took note of the fact that she seemed even more timid than usual. Her body looked as if it were trying to close in on itself. Tear tracks stained her face, signalling that she had been crying earlier or during the operation. She had tears in her eyes, and her bottom lip was quivering as if she were trying her hardest to not cry.

Mikan looked the two over a few times, eyes stopping slightly on Gundham's unbandaged arm and the two's linked hands. They hadn't even realized their hands were still interlocked. With a small blush on both of their faces, they let go of the other's hand. Mikan locked eyes with Gundham and gave him a small, quivering smile to show she wasn't bothered by it.

Fuyuhiko walked closer to Mikan and grabbed her bloodstained hands. He held them for a moment before whispering in a broken voice. "Well? Did you...did you save him? Is he okay?"

Mikan tore her gaze from Gundham to Fuyuhiko, her mouth turned in a frown as she tried to not cry. As she opened her mouth, the tears began to pour.

"I-im sorry...he'd already passed stage f-four hemorrhagic. H-he was d-dead b-before we g-got there."

Both boys stood there, not moving. The hallway was uncomfortably silent, not even a breath could be heard. Gundham felt his own breathing pick up as he slowly walked backwards until he got the wall. He slid down it and placed his head in his hands.

Fuyuhiko squeezed Mikan's hands and let them go in a silent message. He knew it wasn't her fault he was dead. She was in there for hours, she'd tried everything she could. It wasn't her fault. He looked over at Gundham, seeing him curled in on himself in a protective manner.

Fuyuhiko walked over to where the taller sat and sat with him, moving them in to a similar position as earlier. He ran the hand around Gundham's shoulders through his hair, resting his forehead on the other's head. He heard more than saw Mikan walk to the lobby. He knew what was going to happen. And he knew neither of them were ready for it.

With a sigh, he lifted his head and stood up, bringing Gundham up with him. He pulled the other into one of the patient's rooms.

After he heard everyone enter the hallway and then the operation theatre, Fuyuhiko pulled Gundham with him to the first island and then into Gundham's cottage. He figured Gundham would at least want to be around his animals, as they could bring him at least a slight comfort.

Gundham walked over to his bed and sat down as Fuyuhiko closed the door. He put his knees to his chest and his head in his knees. Gundham's arms wrapped around his knees as if the moment he let go, he'd break. He knew he looked like a child, but he couldn't care less at the moment.

He felt the bed dip beside him, showing that Fuyuhiko has sat down beside him. Gundham felt as Fuyuhiko grabbed his hand while leaving his arm around his legs. Fuyuhiko's legs were crossed in an Indian style.

They sat there in silence. There had been a lot of silence lately. And to think that only about four hours had passed since Hajime had called Kazuichi's phone. Three since they'd arrived at the hospital. Two since Gundham opened up to him. And one since they had gotten the news that the greatest, most loyal and caring person in both of their lives had died.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2021 ⏰

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