The Stars Fell That Night For You

266 12 13

Third POV


Everyone froze as the announcement sounded. Everything was silent, everything was still. Then, as if in slow motion, Fuyuhiko walked over to the body. He knelt down so he was level with the other's body. He felt around his neck and wrist, and when he came up short, his head fell against his chest in silent mourning.

Gundham and Hajime stood by the door in shock. When did it come to this? When did it come to killing each other for freedom? When did it come to being killed for being desperate? For trying to survive?

And what was it all for? Freedom? Love? Acceptance? Not a single person had gotten out alive, and though they tried, they were outed before their plans could succeed. Survival does horrible things to people when faced with it or death.

Byakuya Togami wanted to survive for the sake of friends and leadership. Teruteru Hanamura wanted to survive for the sake of family. Mahiru Koizumi wanted to survive for the sake of life and everything she had left to have fun with. Peko Pekoyama wanted to survive for the sake of love for another, and it landed her in a worse position than just murder.

Hope's Peak Academy, what an ironic name. There was no hope. Nobody had hope anymore. Even Nagito Komaeda, standing a little ways behind Hajime after the announcement rang, was devoid of hope in that moment.

It was time to face the truth nobody wanted to face.

No one was safe.

Nobody was coming for them.

Only one person could walk out alive.

But if that was what it took to wipe out the useless hope they all held on to, then it was necessary for them all to die. Only the one who could let go of all hope would make it out. They were just afraid of who.


Gundham POV


Gundham watched as Fuyuhiko checked for a pulse in Kazuichi's heart. When he found none, his head fell in shame and grief.

Suddenly, there was a loud band as Gundham's fist made contact with the wall beside him. Hajime watched him cautiously, wanting to intervene but nervous to do so.

The other students were still outside, but as the loud noise carried outside, they all rushed inside. Mikan was at the head of the group and she pushed past the two boys in the doorway when she caught sight of the bloody bathroom.

Gundham wearily watched as she placed a hand on Fuyuhiko's shoulder, a wordless question. Fuyuhiko moved backwards so his back was against the sink cupboards as he watched Mikan do her work.

Gundham and Fuyuhiko rushed forward as they saw her try to lift him. Both boys used a combined effort to lift him and they slowly made their way to the hospital with Mikan running ahead and the rest of the group behind them.

When they got to the hospital lobby, Fuyuhiko gave Gundham a pointed look before letting him carry Kazuichi. With the boy completely in his arms now, he looked down on face of the man he'd grown to be infatuated with.

Whether it was love, they'd never know now. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Fuyuhiko run off down the hallway towards the rooms and theatre.

They all knew better than to mess with the ultimate nurse when she was prepping and doing her job. So, they say in the deafening silence of the lobby. No one said a word to the others.

The door separating them from Mikan and Fuyuhiko smallest open as Mikan rushed out while pulling her gloves on, Fuyuhiko trailing behind her. "P-please stand a-aside! I n-need sp-space!" Everyone stood back and she pulled Gundham into the operation theatre


As soon as Mikan started her work, she'd kicked Gundham out so she had no distractions. There might be a large moveable cutout in the center of it, but she still somehow found that not as a distraction.

Gundham sat outside of the theatre, head against his knees as he drew them up to his chest. Even as he felt tears wanting to spill, he refused to let them. The only person at this point he was comfortable crying in front of was Fuyuhiko. He'd noticed that the short male had become really close to his dark mortal, but he'd never been scared for the reasons.

When had they become friends? The two of them seemed like the most unlikely friends, but it worked for them. It seemed at times like Fuyuhiko loved Kazuichi more than Gundham. Of course, it'd never be true, but it was still there.

When he thought about it, he remembered that every time he'd caught Fuyuhiko looking over at him, it waas with more of a saddened, lovestruck look. As if there was something that hadn't worked out between them. Or his feelings weren't reciprocated. Either way, Fuyuhiko definitely loved Kaz.

He was pulled from his thoughts when he felt someone crouch down next to him and start unwrapping the bandages on his arms. Gundham jolted and looked at the offending person. Fuyuhiko's eyes made contact with Gundham's. He didn't try to stop the shorter, nor did he help. But he let him do it, so that counted for something, right?

"Y-you've been covered in blood this whole time. I've just been waiting for a good time to mention it. Figured you just waiting would make a good time." Gundham looked down at himself. He gave a small gasp as he noticed the blood staining his shirt, jacket, scarf, and bandages. Giving Fuyuhiko a grateful and exhausted look, he allowed the Yakuza to reapply his bandages.

He leaned his head back against the wall behind him when he felt a soft finger run up and down his arm. He looked over to see Fuyuhiko examining the many scars littered around it.

Gundham sighed slightly as he caught his hand. Fuyuhiko looked at him, but Gundham kept looking at his arm. He moved the finger to a scar going through the crease in his elbow. "My hellish animals were exactly that. I would not recommend dealing with a devil's feline when you are unprotected."

Fuyuhiko snorted at the last bit and watched as his finger was moved to a long line going down his arm. "When I was banished by both sides of the under and overworlds, one of the lesser devils tried to show their superiority with this, but it only landed him in a deeper pit of trouble."

Fuyuhiko looked up at him. Someone had felt the need to harm him for no reason. Granted, it was much less severe than how Kazuichi was treated at home, but it was no less troublesome.

When he felt his finger being moved again, he didn't look down at it. He kept watching the breeder's face. It wasn't every day you got the dark and mysterious man to open up to you, and he wanted to see the little reactions.

He felt it go over a particularly deep and jagged cut. It was right above an artery on his wrist. Fuyuhiko broke his gaze to look at it. It looked to be the newest one by far, all red and pink and it had skin over it, trying to save the rest of it from scarring.

He could feel Gundham's stare on the top of his head as he leaned to trace the scar. Fuyuhiko swallowed harshly, dropping his voice to a whisper.

"Where did this one come from?" He felt as if he didn't whisper, it would break the moment, so he didn't raise his voice.

Gundham gave him one last gaze before looking down as well. "I think we both know the answer to that, gangster mortal." Fuyuhiko felt a droplet fall onto his hand that Gundham was still holding. He looked up to see tears falling slowly down his face.

Without hesitation, Fuyuhiko scooted closer and wrapped his arms around the taller's shoulders. He felt Gundham lean into his touch, head going against his chest and his unwrapped hand slid into Fuyuhiko's in a calming manner.

The two sat there for what felt like hours. Whether it was or not, they wouldn't know. But they both knew that that day would bring the change of everyone.


(....hi. I'm still doing this story, if people were worried. I'm working on this, my writing is a work in progress. I'm my own writer, proofreader, publisher, and fan, so it takes me a minute to get some chapters out. I'm sorry this is so short...I promise a more fullfilling and longer one will be coming soon, or as soon as soon can be for me!)

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