All I want||NejiTen

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Day three: All I want for Christmas is you.

"Are you ready to order Miss?"

"No thank you. My boyfriend would be here soon."

She did not miss the pitying glance that the waiter cast at her as she walked away from her table. It had been thirty minutes and he was not here yet. She reached for her phone and anxiously checked for any notifications but as expected there was none.

(6:24pm) Neji, are you almost here yet?

(6:50pm) Is everything alright? Are you stuck in traffic?

(7:10pm) Are you almost here yet?

Her finger hovered above the screen of her device as she read her previous texts and later decided against texting her boyfriend. The glass of water in front of her had been refilled three times already. She was the only one sitting alone at a table and it was embarrassing. This was not the first time this had happened. It was not even the second or third.

Tenten was twenty four years old and in a relationship with Neji Hyuga. They met at a café shop which Tenten owned and had been a waiter and he showed interest in her. They had been together for a little over a year now and it had been blissful albeit tiring. Neji was the CEO of a multi millionaire industry and was from a wealthy family whereas Tenten was the owner of a café shop that hardly made any sales.

Their relationship was frowned upon by the public who branded her as a gold digger and Hiashi Hyuga, Neji's uncle. The man wanted his nephew to date and marry somebody from a wealthy and influential home like the Uchiha or Namikaze but Neji had chosen her. His choice got Hiashi enraged and she could remember clearly, the threats she received from him and the awful comments that she received from public opinion.

It was a horrible month but the both of them persevered and Tenten grew on Hiashi as time went by. The public had died down on their case so they were happily together. Tenten sighed as she looked absently out the window of the restaurant Neji had chosen for their date. It was a classy restaurant and one she could never dream of going if not for her wealthy boyfriend.

Snow flakes danced with the wind outside along with the small flurry of snow that decided to fall. It was Christmas Eve and Tenten was celebrating it alone. She was an orphan. Her aunt had travelled abroad with her husband so she could not celebrate it with her. Her friends had their own families to celebrate Christmas with and her only family, her boyfriend bailed on her.

An hour. It had been an hour since the appointed time and Neji was nowhere to be seen. Tenten had been antsy all night. Her head snapped up at any person coming towards her way and every notification ring on her phone but she was always met with a disappointment. The woman's hand shook when she realized that Neji was not coming for her...again.

"Miss, are you ready to order now? The restaurant is getting filled up and we need the tables. Please leave if you are not going to order anything." The waitress was back again to pester her with the harsh reality. Tenten could feel the pitying gazes on her, of course they recognized her as Neji Hyuga's poor girlfriend.

Tenten forced a smile on her face but her eyes betrayed the disappointment she felt. "Of course, I am sorry. My boyfriend was too busy to make it." She lied. Tenten wished Neji would suddenly appear like a knight in shining armor and save her from her embarrassment but it was not so. She stood up and grabbed her purse, walking with her head bowed to avoid the stares, and went outside the restaurant.

It always ended up like this. Tenten was getting insecure already and that was saying something because she was a very headstrong woman. The first time Neji stood her up, he had come apologizing with chocolate gifts and she had forgiven him after he promised to make it up to her. He did not make it up to her. Neji started coming home late and whenever he was around he was always on his laptop working.

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