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Before I start the story I got to show you this

Before I start the story I got to show you this

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I'm speechless, I don't know what to say. 4K views, What!?! Eariler this week the story was #1 for rwby now it #13 for rwby which, I'm okay with but 4K view. Thank you all for reading voting and commenting on this. It mean a lot to me that people love my work with this fanfic. Now I got a few things to say. This chapter is not based on any of the episodes of miraculous ladybug, this is off my head, for those who read Horrificator at the end with Hawkmoth, yes that is alpha confronting Hawkmoth. So this chapter will where team Miraculous will face Hawkmoth himself, So this means that this fanfic is coming to the end, but you know what they say when one story ends a new one begins. Now I still writing fan-fiction on Wattpad, I am going to write miraculous semblance 2 but not now, I got some other ideas and at the end of this chapter I will leave the titles of the ones I want to do after this one. So can you please after reading this, can you leave a comment on one of the titles at the end. So enough said, I wasted enough time with this update, now on to the chapter.

[scene: Dupain-Cheng household]

Marinette was sitting in the living room watching the t.v her parents are working in the bakery, there is one thing she is wondering, that will be her brother, when she got back from stopping Horrificator with Chat Noir and Bunnyx. She noticed her brother didn't show up, so she went home to see if he was there but he wasn't. All she found was a note to her from her brother that say to watch the news if she wanted to know where he is. So she was watching the t.v, the news come on what she saw completely throw her off guard, it's say that Hawkmoth him self was attacking Paris and is trying to get Team Miraculous to face him.

Tikki: Why is Hawkmoth attacking Paris himself.

Marinette: I don't know Tikki but I know if my brother is off to face him then rest of should help out to stop Hawkmoth. Time to transform, Tikki, spots on!

After transforming she left to go help her brother. Meanwhile both Adrien and Alix saw the news both then went to go transform into Chat Noir and Bunnyx. Both then joins ladybug. The three teammates then see that Hawkmoth was fighting Alpha at the Eiffel Tower, so the three heroes went to join their teammate in fighting Hawkmoth.

[scene change: Eiffel Tower]

Alpha swing his scythe at Hawkmoth, Hawkmoth dodges it then he tries to strike Alpha with his cane/sword. Alpha does a backflip to avoid it. Both charges at each over with their weapons draw, Hawkmoth tries to piece Alpha but Alpha steps to the side and hits Hawkmoth with the blunt end of his scythe. Knocking Hawkmoth back. Hawkmoth gets back up to attack however, something wrapped itself around his arm. Both look to see what it was it was ladybug's yo-yo. The rest of team Miraculous showed up.

Alpha: About time you guys got here.

Chat Noir: sorry we were busy with Horrificator.

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