Judge Rules

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Please go through quickly before you make up your mind.

1) first of all a permanent follow to jeonxtaejim and KimGits . If you're following from your backup accounts then please mention that while filling up the form.

2) you can be a judge only for one genre. Judging for multiple genres is not valid for that it looks quite stressful and we don't want to pressurise the judges.

3) you'll be given atleast 4 books to judge and 6-7 at the utmost. ( Depends upon no. of participants.) We can also increase the no. of judge according to the no. of slots filled.

4)  during the judging phase you'll be given 2 weeks to complete and finalize your work.

5) give a shoutout to your mb in order to let others also reply for same.

6) add this book to your reading list and library for the updates.

7)  no contacting the participants before the declaration of the results. If any participant tries to bribe you immediately contact with KimGits all necessary steps will be taken for that particular participant.

8) you cannot comment on any of the books. If you feel to vote you can but only on the first five chapters.

9) the hosts will be always there to help you out whenever you need. So feel free to text. If you wish to contact on Instagram you can, Check the wattpod bio of the host for their user ID.

10) The judging criteria will be posted two days before the Judging phase begins are may or maybe a week before.

11) You Should have all your judgement fair and Square. Here every participant has the same power and value so don't look down upon somebody. In particular be a generous judge and decide accordingly.

12) choose your genre wisely cause once you fill the form you won't be allowed to change it anymore. If you see your fav genre already filled, you can try out other genres. And if you still feel inclined to one genre in particular contact KimGits to pick a space for you incase if any more judges are required.

13) the marks distribution, book reviews etc will be discussed in detail in the judges criteria page.

14) as the minimum range of chapters are 3  so that is the lowest pack for you as well. You have to read atleast 3 chapters. Now if you want to go on reading then it's your call. We will not hamper you but the judging period is fixed i.e. only two weeks cause I think it's enough. However you can talk about the extention of time period later on In case any judge has some problems.

15) No backing off after filling the forms. You've to continue once your form gets accepted so please make up your mind before you do it. Kindly don't abandon us in between.

16) while tagging other accounts in the form. Make sure that the ones whom you're tagging have the interest in participating or are active to Wattpad.

17) also at the end of your form tag KimGits separately ( not among the other tags ) so that she is aware of your form.

18) please be patient for your turn. You'll be getting a notification of your form being accepted by any of the two hosts. But you've to give some time for the same.

19) while filling up your form please mention if you're comfortable with matured parts and LGBTQ. You can contact the hosts for  further inquiries. If you don't feel alright with these things , no problem the hosts will get you your fruit. You can skip the book having such parts and ships.

20) for further queries, please feel free to contact any of the two hosts.

21 ) once you are notified of your form being accepted contact KimGits for your sticker eighther on Wattpad or in Instagram @Kim_gits [ you can check it on her Wattpad bio as well ]
While contacting please give a screenshot of your form along with the accepted notification to show the host for claiming the sticker.

22) your certificates of participating as a judge will be provided after the results are out.

23) also there's an award for the best judge among all categories so keep fighting . Judge honestly.

24) it happened many times that the judges are held guilty for lazy-judging or biased scores. So if you have anything as such in mind then please leave on before hand because you might be the judge of the participants. But the hosts will be the judge of the judges.

23) your password is the fav music genre or your fav movie. You can write both as well.

Lastly thank you for participating you can now scroll to the form in the next chapter . Borahe! 💜

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