Judge Form

221 17 35


Category :

Genre :

Any other category you're interested in :

Are you a participant as well ( i.e. Yes/no):

If you are a participant then which category does your book belong to [ eg: book category ____ / ____ ]

Are you fit for matured images or LGBTQ  .

Password :

Tags : ( at least 10 )

P. S. : Please don't forget to tag KimGits separately and kindly don't change your mind after filing up the form.

Fill in the form as inline comments beside your chosen genre

Young adult :

Science fiction :

Fanfiction :

Mystery :

Historical/general fiction :

Horror/Vampire/Werewolf :

Romance/Comedy :

Short story :

Poetry :

Any other ( please mention the genre ) :

~ goodluck

Blue and grey Awards 2021Where stories live. Discover now