Chapter 14: A whole lot convincing to do

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It's Monday once again. Yippie! Life has been sucked out of me during my first two classes of the day. Luckily it's almost lunch time, time to just sit back, relax and eat. 

The moment I walk into the cafeteria a clearly annoyed Jenna walks up to me. "What's wrong?" I ask. She rests her head on my shoulder and sighs. "So you know I'm the captain of the cheer squad and everything right? Well 4 girls got kicked off so I need to find 4 new people in the next two weeks! How am I going to find new people and make them learn the routine in two weeks! We need our squad for the football game." Jenna keeps rambling about cheer for a while. She stopped when she realized I zoned out and stopped listening. "Sorry." We both said at the same time. After giving each other a knowing smile we make our way to our next class.

"Oh I'm picking you up to go to Mack's later. Bye!" Before I could even answer she already disappeared. Guess we're going to Mack's today. Mack's is one of the most popular cafe's in out town. Every teen has been there at least once and most people come there weekly. It's the perfect spot to find some work, make friends or just enjoy yourself and chill. The foo and drinks are amazing. A heaven's gift. 

After what felt like days but was actually hours school finally ended. I decided to watch a little Netflix instead of doing any school work. I really wanted to, but ever since Laurel died I haven't done a single bit of homework. It's just too tiring, it's asking too much energy. Energy I don't have. 

My thoughts are disrupted by my phone.

Jenna: I'm picking you up in 20. Get ready 

To Jenna: Aight ill be there

 For the next 20 minutes I just stay in bed and watch Netflix. The moment Jenna texts me she's here I I put on my shoes and walk out to her car. Our drive to Mack's was silent. It was very apparent she was thinking deeply about something. The moment I want to ask her about it we arrive at the café. 

We both ordered some drinks and snacks when Jenna started talking. "I know you're still struggling, with everything. But I want to ask you for a favor." She starts off.  "What favor?" I'm scared for what her answer will be. I'm not the kind of person that can say no easily. "So like you know I told you about the cheer squad. I want you to try out. If you want. I can help you and we can train together and it'll-"

Before she can continue I interrupt her. "Did you talk to Ace?" Jenna looks taken back. "I n-no? Why would you think that." Her stutter makes me raise my eyebrows. "He took me to the gym yesterday and I told him about my wrist injuries and how much I loved gymnastics. And suddenly you come and ask me for cheer. It's just a weird coincidence." 

"I promise you I didn't talk him. At first I didn't dare ask you, but I think it'll be good for you. You won't be at home as much, we can spend time together, you'll have something to take your mind of. Plus you'd have to better your grades. I genuinely think you maybe need cheer to get your life on track again. See this as a sign, I had to lose those girls to maybe make place for you. Just think about it, please?" The moment she talks about it being a sign I think of Laurel. In my letter I told her to give me a sign and this might be it. 

The next 5 minutes are silent until I speak again. "If I would and this is solely hypothetical what would I have to do. You know I probably can't tumble anymore." A smile plays on her lips. "We need a flyer which could be you. It's hard and really scary but you won't have to tumble as much, because you'll be in the air. And you need to have a B average.  So you might need to get some tutoring. It's going to be a lot of work if you'd actually want to do it. But I think it's going to be worth it."

"I'll think about it."  I say. "But all this in two weeks? Even if I say yes I'm not sure how I'd do it." She nods understanding. "Well try outs are in a week. We just need to find people with potential. It's okay if you don't know the whole routine. Coach, Audrey and I just need to see potential. And for your grades you get like more than a month. Everyone does. So just think about it. Please?" Her pleading eyes make me groan. It doesn't sound too bad and I kind of really want to do it. But I barely have enough energy as it is. 

Not too much later we finish up at Mack's. Jenna brings me home saying goodbye to me. Once I'm in my room I decide to take a shower. In the shower I just stand there. All I do is stand and think about Jenna's offer. A huge part of me wants to say yes, but a bigger part of me wants to say no. I barely have enough energy to get myself out of bed most mornings how will I find the energy to do everything I do now, practice, do homework, do the games and everything else that comes with cheer squad. But if it really is a sign I need to take the chance now I have it. 

Finally I decide to come out of my shower and call the one person I know will give it to me straight. After a few rings they pick up. "What's up?"

"I need your help Ace." 

I'm not sure if I heard it right, but his voice sounded like he was worried when he asked my what I needed help with. 

"Jenna needs some new people for the cheer squad and she asked me to do it. I'm not sure what to do so I could really use your opinion right now." 

"I think you should do it."

"Why? I don't even know how I'd do it."

"Because I think it'd be fun. You wouldn't look so bad in those uniforms." I roll my eyes at him. 

"Seriously?" I say 

"Look Jenna and I can help you train and you're smart enough to get your grades back up. I can even study with you if you want. My parents are on my ass to get my grades back up."

Before I think more about it I give my answer. "Okay." It's barely a whisper, but I know he heard. After that our conversation ended quickly. I took out my notebook immediately. I had to ask Laurel if I made a mistake or not. 

Dear Laurel,

Jenna and I went out today. Long story short I am going to try out for the cheer squad. I'm not sure why I even considered it and why I said yes. A big part of me thinks it's a sign from you. If it is, you better be right 'cause girl I'mma whoop yo ass if I ever see you again.  Wish me luck, I'm going to need it.

Love always,

Bri ❤

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