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Quick backstory: I'm Mikayla Grant. 14 years young living in Broward County, Fl. I have a 7yr old half sister named Aliyah, and 3 year old half brother named Jayden. My dad is in prison for some old gang stuff and is probably staying for 6 more years.

I live with my mom and siblings. Grew up with them only, because of how my dad fucked up my life so much. I love my family to death and would do anything for them. I grew up in the small city of Weston, Fl. I also never really fucked with making friends. I always hated having girl friends because they aggy as fuck, but I grew to get along with boys more and be more tomboy and hard headed. I did grow up with one—my best friend Sebastian Rivera. Ever since the 2 grade when we our moms first met.

We instantly clicked, we both love skating, video games, and music. I'm especially obsessed. I've only ever been with Sebastian and he's only ever been with me. We do everything together! He's the best friend ever. Thankfully he only lives around my block from us, so easy babysitting access for us or me to his younger sister Lily. Thankfully, my city is really small, so we constantly skate around. I'm a beast on the board and i've been skating my whole life.

My mother, Sandra Gonzalez was previously engaged to my dad, Joseph Grant and got pregnant with me 14 and a half years ago, but obviously broke off the engagement after him getting thrown in prison. Sadly, I never got to grow up with my dad but got to meet him once a few years back. However, when I was 5 she met my siblings dad—Howard Ruthforde. They then had Jayden and Aliyah (my little siblings) and he sadly passed away a year ago. My moms been through and lot of trauma as you can tell and ever since the passing of her ex husband, she's just never been happy. He made her the happiest. Happier than my dad did. Because of her being a widow, she hasn't been holding up well, so I sell clothes online to help earn some income for the family.

Finally, we are moving to Hawthorne California for a better job option mainly because my moms 9-5 is so shitty here. We literally make nothing and are struggling to live off thrift shop clothes and this run down car and house here. But we grew up with this stuff so were used to it. 

The next night

Weston Fl, June 5, Our last nights in Florida.

*We sat at our local Denny's  waiting for food to come.*

"Alright, here's your order mam-"


"My pleasure! Is there anything else y'all need at the moment?"


Me (Shocked looking at moms food)

"Mom why does your fat ass need so much to eat.."

*Waiter looks shocked at me*

*Mom gives dirty look to me*

*Waiter exits*


"Mikayla that's rude. I've talked to you multiple times about when and when we shouldn't curse, we are in a public diner."

Aliyah(interrupting, giggling, smiling)

"Fat ass."

*Mom looks at Aliyah shocked*

*I hid a smile about to burst into laughter.*


Wow, and now you got your 7 year old fucking sister cursing.

Me (defensive)

 "Woah, woah, woah. I never told her to say such a thing."

Mom (pissed)

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