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Growing up on the streets of Gotham while not very clean, was very enjoyable if you were Emilia, her mother, Catherine Todd, had died when she was young so she didn't remember her nor did she remember her father, Willis Todd.

The only family member she remembered was her big brother, Jason Todd, he meant everything to Emilia, and when he was picked off the streets and turned to Robin, she made an effort to always see him without catching the attention of Batman.

That couldn't last forever because when she got caught in a raid and forcefully adopted into the Dupain-Cheng family, they had a 2 year old daughter by the name of Bridgette Dupain-Cheng when they adopted her.

They told Bridgette that she was her older sister and that she was to treat her as such. Emilia, now Marinette, got away just long enough to leave a note for Jason where they usually met, something told her that she would see him again she really hoped that she would. Making sure that the card was visible if Jason came, she left their small hideout.

Before she left however, Emilia noticed a package lying near the scraps of fabric she had been using as a bed. She mentally chided herself for not noticing, she walked over and picked up the package. It was badly wrapped and there was a note on top. She tilted her head slightly to see what it read.

'Dear Em, this gift is for your 14th birthday, random number I know but you always said 14 was a special number, even if both of us weren't 14. The gift is to let you know that I'm always there for you and I'll always be here for you. I would just like to mention although I think you already know that I am Robin. With Love, your big brother Jason.'

There were tears sliding down her face as she read this, Em picked up the package, looking around the room for the last time in a long while. She was going to miss her big brother, she really was, but there was nothing she could do to stop herself from being adopted. As she walked down the street back to where her new parents were waiting for her.

When Jason finally got away from Bruce for a day to visit his little Pixie, he went to the spot where they usually met. As he looked around the abandoned apartment, he knew something was wrong, there was a piece of paper lying on the ground. He ran towards it and picked it up, scanning it quickly.

The note read, 'Dear Jason, by the time you read this, I'll be in Paris, France. I was picked up by a French couple and their 2 year old daughter during the recent raid, I do believe that we will see each other again. My name was changed to Marinette Dupain-Cheng as well. Please, don't forget me. -With love, Emilia'.

Jason felt tears streaming down his face, his little sister, the one person that meant everything to him, gone. He still had Bruce and Dick but it still wasn't the same, Em was the only family he had left and she had gone, he was lucky she was still alive but he couldn't see her anymore. He knew that Em was a capable 8 year old but she was still his little sister. And he would see her again, he would make sure of it.

As he looked around the room however, he noticed his present for Emilia disappeared, he smiled gently to himself, it seemed that his younger sister would get his gift. When Jason died by the hands of Joker, Em didn't realize, Jason didn't know that she didn't know, but even if he did, he wouldn't want her to know. It was better if she never knew her brother had died.

Maybe in another life, Emilia would have sensed the fact that her brother had been murdered. And maybe, just maybe, she would've been able to prevent it from happening. But unfortunately, this was not a world where she could save Jason from death.

Notes and disclaimers: I DO NOT own DC nor MLB I just really like writing fanfics I guess? Also I was procrastinating on my other book so you know where that goes, also this book idea was in my head for sooooooo long I have no idea when I even came up with it. I actually tried experimenting with it before in 'The Truth (Daminette)', but obviously it didn't work. This book is also MariJon because I read an archive of our own with MariJon in it and it was sooooooo wholesome, I absolutely love it. (Also shoutout to @m3owwww for writing the book, btw it's called Demon's Daughter if you would like to read it) I changed up the story a little btw, also there will be no A/N for this book, hopefully.

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