Chapter 24

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Yes I use Gacha Club. FIGHT ME!! Lol. ON TO MY SHIT THAT YOU guys for some reason like... :T

Reaper: D...Death...?
Goth: *looks up at Reaper* Daddy?
Reaper: DEATH!!! *tackles Death* WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!?
Death: you missed the first day of the festival
Reaper: and that damn festival
Death: I didn't miss it this time. Also they still think you're a girl and we're married
Reaper: ... *gets off* you did not change
Death: I know
Reaper: *hugs Geno*
Geno: *in utter confusion*
Blue: :^ wow
Dust: *cuddled into Blue* huh...
Ink: *drawing*
Error: *holding Ink bridal style*
Goth: I have a nice uncle?
Reaper: yea
Death: ...this kid is adorable. Hi I'm Death
Goth: *hugs him*
Death: *tenses*
Reaper: can't handle a kid touching you? And who are the smallers?
Blue: they were Inks. I was pregnant with his but Chem transferred the soul to Dream somehow so
Dream: ...yea then they disappeared
Blue: I blame Ink
Dream: it was Ink
Ink: huh? What did I do?
Blue: ...nothing you can change now
Ink: ok *goes back to drawing*
Blue: anyways these kids are mine. They have a similar yet better background so yea. I'm the best option for them
Sprinkle: *runs in* MOMMY YOURE BACK!!!
Fury: at last. Daddy can't cook at all
Dust: I tried to but
Blue: *sighs*
Horror: I made them food
Bluescreen: and it's really good but Moms is better
Dream: *nods*
Horror: that's ok! *smiles* I'm just happy you like it
Geno: well now that we have another mouth to feed, plus one on the way-
Blue: you're pregnant?!
Geno: yea
Blue: congrats!
Death: ... *takes Reaper off Geno* you cant have this anymore. It's mine and I don't share. You were only borrowing it until I got back
Geno: he's my husband
Death: you're a mere mortal. You'll still die eventually
Blue: ...Death be nice *electrocutes him a little*
Death: AH! Hey! Watch it
Blue: be nice to Geno. He's a good guy
Death: ok and? So many mortals are nice yet we reap them anyway
Blue: your brother fell for Geno for a reason. Geno is most likely his soulmate
Death: Reaper and I share a soulmate. Plus our soulmate has two younger brothers. A god of destruction and a god of knowledge
Blue: ...Geno is your soulmate then. You just described his brothers. A destroyer of AUs and a rainbow stalker that knows almost everything about everyone
Death: ...lies
Blue: no you just dumb
Death: I will kill you
Horror: then I'll smack you
Reaper: you don't want that Death. His smacks hurt
Death: he can't touch us
Reaper: he can. It just hurts him
Death: ...
Horror: ÙwÚ
Death: how?

TBC. Sorry it's late. I forgot about it a little :P bye

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