Chapter 17: Rest and Relaxation

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"You really are a good multi-tasker," Carla commented as she watched Micheal dust, vacuum, and wipe down the kitchen counter all at the same time. His t-shirt was covered in dust and bore the stains to prove how much he'd been sweating as he ran around like a madman. But Edward was coming today, so it only made sense that he make sure everything was spotless, right? That was understandable, wasn't it? Carla just didn't get it.

"Mike, buddy, relax. I don't think Ed is a clean-freak, he'll live if he sees a little dust." Micheal huffed, wiping his forehead with the back of his hand.

"Yes, I know, but this place is disgusting right now! I need to get it cleaned. Oh, can you grab the bedsheets and throw them in the wash?" Carla quirked a brow, smirking.

"Oh~? Any reason you need the bed all nice and fresh?" Micheal's face heated as he spluttered.

"Ah–! No! I just want it to be clean in case he goes in there!"

"Why would he be going in there?" She asked again, suggestively. He groaned.


"Ok, ok, I'm going. Just finish with your freak out. You have ten minutes till he gets here." ONLY TEN MINUTES?!

Edward rang the doorbell and stepped back, waiting excitedly. He'd been looking forward all week to seeing Micheal again, something Pam had poked fun at him for, but he couldn't muster up the will to care. He heard something clatter to the ground, a surprised shout, the sound of a cat meowing, and a voice that sounded strangely like Carla saying 'Would you relax, this place is spotless!' before the door was pulled open to reveal, sure enough, Carla. She looked a bit frazzled but otherwise fine as she grinned at him.

"Hey Ed, come on in. I was just leaving. Mike, put the mop away! He's already here!" Edward heard Micheal groan as he entered, seeing a broom and a feather duster laying on the floor and Micheal standing next to it with a wet mop in hand. He looked flustered but his expression quickly cleared when he saw Edward.

"Hey! Sorry about the mess. How are you?" Edward heard Carla scoff. He smiled.

"I'm good. Been a busy week. You?"

"Pretty good, can't complain." Edward took a moment to look at Micheal's pale face, noting the bags under his eyes and his messy hair that looked as though he'd run his fingers through it all morning. He frowned.

"Are you–"

"I'm gonna head out now guys. Have fun." Micheal waved goodbye and Edward turned to her.

"Bye Carla!" She shut the door behind herself, leaving them alone. Edward turned back to Micheal, who was picking up the cleaning supplies and leaned down to help him.

"You don't need to do that," Micheal said. Edward carried the broom to the kitchen pantry.

"I know. So, what do you want to do?"

"I was thinking we could just relax tonight, maybe watch a movie."

"Sounds good to me! What kinda snacks do you got?" They made a bowl of microwave popcorn and Micheal found some chewy candy in his pantry before the two settled on the couch, Micheal turning on the rom/com he'd recorded. It was stupid and cheesy, absolutely horrible, and that was exactly why it was so hilarious.

" 'How To Make A Gingerbread House A Gingerbread Home'? Who even thought of that title?!" Edward asked around a mouthful of popcorn. It was ridiculous! And way too long. Micheal snorted, petting the black cat who'd settled on his lap.

"I'm pretty sure it's based off a book."

"Who the heck read's rom/coms?" Edward asked. Micheal shrugged.

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