Part 9 - Survival Training

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Survival Training

That afternoon team seven had to paint the walls of the new swimming hall of Konoha. And Kakashi insisted that they didn't use ladders to reach the higher parts of the walls, but used tree walking to do it. After one and a half hours the walls were painted and Sakura exhausted. With her small reserves sticking to one place at the wall was really hard. She had hoped that they would be done with missions for today, but Kakashi had already got a follow up mission. He had taken it as it was at the same place as the first mission. The pool needed to be tiled. So after a short break the genin started to tile the walls, starting on the bottom end of the walls.

To Sasuke's surprise Naruto was pretty skilled at doing it. It looked like he had done it before. Unknown to Sasuke and Sakura, Naruto was skilled in many crafts. He needed to be with the civilian craftsmen refusing to do any work for him. So Naruto started on the long sides of the pool. Sasuke and Sakura got the short sides. Naruto had a well working system. He tiled as high as he could reach without a ladder and then constructed a pulley from the ceiling to reach the higher parts of the wall without having to wait for the tile glue to dry. With him using three clones on his side and four on the other long side, it took him three hours to finish the tiling. Sasuke, who had seen the method Naruto used to get to the higher part, had copied it and was finishing about the same time. Sakura was only halfway done with her wall.

As it was already seven and Sakura looked ready to collapse, Kakashi asked Naruto to have two of his clones finish her side. Naruto nodded and took over the upper half of the side. When Naruto's clones were done, Kakashi informed the manager of the hall that the pool was tiled and only needed to have seams filled once the glue had dried. The manager checked the painted walls and the tiled pool and signed Kakashi's mission scrolls.

Kakashi took his genin back to the tower and had them listen to the reports he gave about the missions.

"Okay, tomorrow you won't take a mission as we did two today. Instead I arranged for a sparring session with team ten in the afternoon." Kakashi informed them. "Your morning training will still happen as usual." He body flickered away after that.

The genin walked back to their homes. As it was late not many people were on the streets, most were at home. Naruto walked to his secret home after making sure he wasn't followed. He went inside, made two clones, and went to the shower. His clones started making dinner. He still had the meat of two rabbits in his fridge and his clones had harvested carrots and peas today from his field. They cooked some rice and prepared a sauce before putting everything on a plate. Naruto was just finished putting on fresh clothes when his dinner was ready. So he sat down to eat.

Once he had finished his dinner, he put the plate and glass in the sink and made hundred shadow clones. They all knew their job and got the sealing supplies to start making the seals the Hokage had ordered. Naruto cleaned the plate and the glass, went to the bathroom to brush his teeth and went to bed. His clones would stay up doing his work.

Just after team sevens normal morning run, Sasuke was at three laps around the village now, Sakura still had problems with her two, but Kakashi knew it would take time for the girl to make up for the training she hadn't done at the academy, Kakashi watched his students. He was curious if Sakura would pull through or quit. Both was possible, but if he didn't want to get her killed on a mission, the girl needed to be broken out of her fangirl attitude and delusions of how she could achieve to be a ninja. He was pretty sure her mother bore much of the fault for this. He knew Sakura's father had been one of the civilian casualties in the Kyubi attack and her mother blamed Naruto for that. She had been one of the cruellest members of the council, condemning Naruto to the treatment he had gone through as a child.

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