Part 43 - Royal Visitors

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Royal Visitors

It was strange, Naruto decided, to be back at the academy as somebody that would teach a class. His time off had been quite relaxing and he had decided to actually do nothing in concerns of training for a whole week. He had gone to the movies, spent time at a lake, going swimming, cooking over a campfire and watching the stars at night. It had been really peaceful. Many of his old classmates had gone on one mission or the other during that time and he had occasionally spent some time with those that were at the village.

The second week he had started setting up his lesson plans and continued his training, as there were still more jutsus that he was interested in learning. Currently he was working on a water jutsu that allowed the user to cover the victim in a cocoon of water that then drained the prisoner of his chakra. A great jutsu to capture targets alive. It was based on the water prison jutsu, but more complicated and higher ranked. Where the water prison jutsu was a B-rank jutsu, the water cocoon jutsu was an A-rank jutsu. He spent three hours each day working out the mechanics behind the jutsu and he was coming close to mastering it. Shadow clones were incredibly useful for jutsu training after all.

When he had been a student at the academy, he had dumbed down his abilities to not be sabotaged by the civilian council. Things had changed for the better since then, but he still didn't trust them as far as he could throw them. He knew that if they saw a chance to regain some of their former influence, they would take it immediately. And they hated him with a passion, no matter his heritage. They saw him as the reason why they had lost their previous influence in the village. None of them acknowledged that they hadn't ever had a right to wield the power they had, but like always, if somebody got power, he tried as hard as possible to not lose the power again.

Now, as a special jonin, he had worked for the respect he got. His classmates knew about his true level and trusted him to lead them on missions properly. His opinion was valued in discussions about how a mission could be fulfilled efficiently and the higher ups in the military supported him in his wish to grow stronger. It helped that his jonin sensei had become the new Hokage and the village flourished under Kakashi's rule.

He stood in front of the class, which hadn't noticed him yet. He had used a camouflage seal on the sleeve of his shirt to blend in with his surroundings. It was fun to see how the children were discussing the new specialist lessons and wondered which one they would have today and who the teacher would be. Naruto had decided to let his prankster persona out again and had trapped the chairs in each row with sticky glitter bomb seals. The most atrocious colours he could find at that. From neon pink to shocking orange. It should get the children's attention fairly quickly. He made the snake seal and activated the tags, which caused the children to scream and the glitter fall down everywhere, sticking to anybody it hit, which was the whole class, as none of them had been prepared for something like this.

Naruto deactivated the camouflage seal and phased into view when the children tried to get rid of the glitter. It was good for two lessons.

"Well, I'm a little disappointed that you didn't even try to check for traps inside the classroom. Lesson Number One: A ninja is always prepared for the unexpected. Lesson Number Two: Never underestimate what a creative mind can do with fuinjutsu," Naruto spoke loudly, making the children all turn towards him, the only person in the classroom to not be covered in sticky glitter.

"I'm Naruto Namikaze, for the duration of this specialist lessons, you will call me Naruto sensei," He announced, suppressing a grin at seeing the mix of awe and outrage on the faces of his new students.

"Now, take a seat, then I will give you an overview what we will work on during these lessons," Naruto announced.

"What about that stupid glitter?" One girl asked angrily.

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