James (1)

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Looking up from his phone, he looked at the store in front of him. "Timeless Thrift Shop, well this is the last one I suppose."

The bell at the door rang as he stepped in. He looked around the store seeing knickknacks, clothing, jewelry, toys, and some old and new looking books. Looked a bit longer to find what he was looking for to no avail. He was about to leave when he saw a sign on the desk. "Welcome to Timeless Thrift Shop where you can find all kinds of unique items in pristine condition as if it were new. We cater to every type of clientele whether you are just browsing around, looking for a particular item, or something specific. There is always something within this shop that's for someone. If you need assistance please ring the service bell three times for Eve. Please, don't be alarmed when Eve shows up from nowhere. Thank you and please enjoy your time in the Timeless Thrift Shop."

He shrugged as he rang the bell on the desk.

He jumped when someone talked right behind him. "Welcome to Timeless Thrift Shop my name is Eve, how may I help you."

He was surprised that she wasn't able to sense her. With his hawk shifter ability, he should be able to sense her sneaked up, on him. "Umm, hello I'm looking for a gift for my ummm." Who was it that he was getting something for?

Eve gave a Cheshire smile while curling one of her loose blonde hair. "Forgetting something or you can no longer remembering someone?"

"What do you mean by that?" He was getting angry.

"Oh, nothing just my mind wandering off again but then again I'm more sound than a Mad Hatter. Now, there was a gentleman nuttier than me. Ah, what fun I had with him." Eve said as she went down memory lane. "Now, who might you be, or do you not know that either." she giggled.

"I know who I am you nut. My name is James." James grumble.

"Say the one who can't remember whom he's buying a gift for."

"That is none of your business. I shall take my business elsewhe..." He was about to leave until he spotted a music box on through the glass case. It entranced him as he took a closer look at it. "Why do you have this?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2020 ⏰

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