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Hey there, it's your trash, amateur author Stan. Just a few things I'd like to say before we get started!

You're free to skip this, but I do recommend you read it.

This fanfiction may include:

- Graphic/mature language (as to be expected from a South Park fanfiction, lmao).

- LGBTQ+ characters.

- Style, and some reference of Bendy (Bebe x Wendy), Bunny (Butters x Kenny), Creek (Craig x Tweek), and possibly more. Feel free to suggest any ships!

- Some upsetting/triggering themes such as drinking, smoking, negative and depressing talk, etc.

- Some slurs, though, this fanfiction won't really have much discrimination in it, so I don't think that's really worth worrying about.

- Some fonts that may be incompatible with older devices.

- Angst and fluff, and definitely some sexual jokes and references, but probably no smut since I don't really know how to write lemons, nor do I want to lol.

Before you read this:

- I don't really do writing very often. I can do pretty standard middle school level work at minimum I guess, and I'm pretty good with grammar and spelling, but I'm no professional, and I would consider myself an amateur when it comes to writing. So please try to, uh, excuse some poor writing. I may sometimes shift between present tense and past tense, but I will be editing over this some time! Feel free to make any jokes about spelling mistakes though, I won't be offended lol!

- I do not own these characters, nor do I claim to. They are my depictions of characters from the Comedy Central show, South Park, written by Matt Stone and Trey Parker.

- Text messages are a pretty prominent thing in this. I highly recommend you read this in light/default mode, rather than dark mode, since all of the texts will have visible white boxes behind them in dark mode, and it'd look stupid. You're free to do whatever, though.

- I've never been an alcoholic, and I don't really talk much to/get along with any alcoholics in my family. I apologize if I'm a little misinformed or don't accurately represent it. I'm not really very educated on this, but feel free to tell me if I messed anything up!

- If, for whatever reason, this fanfiction goes on hold, it's likely I'll be coming back to it and am not just saying I will. I can't guarantee this because I'm not the most driven person, but I'm certainly not going to stop liking South Park, considering how I tend to get really obsessed with it every few months haha. This has been happening for 3-5 years. If I haven't updated for a few months after releasing the first chapter and you're curious as to why I'm not making more chapters, feel free to comment or message me! I'm relatively active here.

- Once I finish, I will likely revise chapters. Any edited chapters will have this emoji "🏳️‍🌈" added to the name. (A/N: Especially now looking back, since this is kinda trash at parts, lol.)

- This isn't Tumblr, I'm aware, but you're free to ask characters things, since I do art and might include some question response doodles between chapters, or after the fanfiction is finished.

~ ~ ~

That's about all I can think of putting here right now. I've got quite a few chapters in drafts, and am going to go over, edit and improve them, but I'll probably be publishing some shortly, within the next few weeks or months. I'm just hesitant since there's no going back once I publish chapter one, and needing to update consistently without anything prepared in advance is just way too much pressure! So,, yeah!

Anyway, I'm out! Have a very nice morning, afternoon, evening or night! ☕

@-TIREDBLUEBOY | 𝗺𝗼𝗼𝗻𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗲 - a style fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now