I Need Your Help

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               Every day, after school or in free time, Autumn and Ryan would hang-out together. And Autumn’s father would always keep an eye on them by telling 3 body guards to dress up like students and go undercover. That way, they would always keep an eye on what the couple are doing.

            Autumn & Jamie now became BFFs, and Autumn & Ryan became great, close friends. But they both wanted to be more than that. They both wanted to be boyfriend and girlfriend. Only, each other thought that telling their feelings to each other would break their friendship.

            Robert Lake was more suspicious and over-protecting towards Autumn. He didn’t want her carrier to be over or even worse, ruined and the Lake family would lose their fortunes & company.

            So, one day, he came over to the Frost residence just before school was over…   

            RYAN’S P.O.V

            Once I got home from school, my Mom greeted me in a hug and exclaimed excitedly.

            “Ryan, honey, you’ll never believe what I just heard from Autumn’s father! He’s actually your father’s boss and he said he will give us 7.000 dollars next month!” My Mom shook my shoulders and hugged me really really tight.

            “But only in one condition.” She rose up her pinky to my face. “You must never hang-out with Autumn again! If there’s any project, you both won’t be paired up now, cuz he already took care of it by bribing your teachers.” 

            “Wait. What?!” I was shocked. “No! I won’t stop hanging-out with her!” I yelled out. “And I’m not gonna let her father or any of you stop me!” I shrugged off Mom’s hands from my shoulder and ran upstairs to my room.

            “Ryan, sweetie!” Mom called me but I didn’t listen. I slammed open my door and locked it shut. My back faced the door when I sat down against it.

            This is not fair… Why would Mom do that to me? She said I have to find ‘the one’ and she’ll help me find one, but that’s a whole lie.

            Then an idea blinked in my head. I slid open the lock of my phone and pressed Jamie’s number on my phone to message her.

            I texted:

Me: Jamie, I need your help.

            There was a silent pause before she replied.

Jamie: Seriously??? I’m in the middle of a Basketball lesson right now… Text me later!

Me: But I really need to talk to you!

Jamie: Ugh, fine. Meet me tomorrow morning in front of my house, but don’t throw eggs on my window like you used to! Or else I will never help you again, got that?!

            The last reply made me grin from ear to ear. Yes! She would help me!

Me: Fine, fine… See ya! Thanks!

Jamie: Who does it have to involve with anyway?

Me: Autumn Lake.

Jamie: Change my mind, I’ll meet you in front of my house tonight at 7! Don’t be late!

            Why did she change her mind when I brought up Autumn’s name? Maybe because they’re BFFs or maybe Autumn has something important to tell me, but she couldn’t so she told Jamie. But I think that’s impossible, she won’t even like me that way.

            Oh, whatever… At least Jamie can help me.    

            JAMIE’S P.O.V

            It was 7.30 PM already, where’s Ryan? I checked my phone once again; there weren’t any replies from him, but it said that the message was already read.

            Rain started pouring down from the sky, covering my window in drops of water. I messaged him again in my phone.

Me: Where are you, bro? It’s raining already!

            When I was on my way to press the ‘Send’ button, the doorbell rang. I picked myself up from my bed and scrambled downstairs to the door. I opened it and it revealed the person I was looking for…Ryan.

               “Ryan! Where were you?!” I almost yelled.

            “Sorry… It was raining and I had to deal with the fact that my motorcycle ran out of fuel.” He excused.

            “Well, sorry doesn’t fix my soaking hoodie!” I pinched Ryan’s left ear and dragged him to my room. I know I’m not allowed to let boys into my room but this is kind of a serious problem.

            “OW! OW! OW!!!” Ryan yelped in pain. I opened the door and shut it afterwards. Ryan stood in front of me, looking really annoyed.

            “Sorry…” I said sarcastically, knowing that probably he wanted me to apologize. After Ryan set himself down on my armchair, I picked up a packet of Cheesy Dibbles that I bought at school from my backpack and sat on another armchair.

            “So, what’s the problem?” I asked him, expressionlessly. Ryan fiddled with his fingers.

            “Autumn’s Dad is taking her away from me.” He told me.

            “Wait. What?”

            READER’S P.O.V

            “Wait. What?” Jamie almost choked out the Cheesy Dibble that she was eating before.

            “Yeah… It’s bad, I know.” Ryan looked down with tears swelling out of his eyes. He knew how Jamie felt, since she’s Autumn’s BFF.

            “Well then quickly ask her out!” Jamie suggested, standing up from the chair. Jamie was the one who was entrusted to keep Autumn and Ryan’s secrets, so she knows how they feel about each other.

            “W-what?” Ryan stuttered. “B-but I can’t do that in front of Autumn’s Dad! I know he doesn’t like me!”

            “Then just ask her out secretly...” Jamie crouched in front of Ryan.

         “Listen, I’ve been hanging-out with Autumn for a long time and I’ve heard that 3 of her body guards are dressed up as students undercover to keep an eye at Autumn. Tomorrow, I’ll distract them and you…”She pointed to Ryan’s chest. “…will usher Juliet to a private and quiet place where no one will find you. Got that, Romeo?”

            Ryan nodded hesitantly just before Jamie swirled down to her study desk in her study room with her wheeled-chair. She ripped out a yellow sticky note and wrote:

Get Romeo and Juliet together

        She flicked up the sticky part of the paper and stuck the paper onto a black billboard. Ryan, who was on his heels, followed Jamie to the desk and saw what Jamie was doing; she was making a plan to make Autumn and him together.

            “Okay, look, I got your back, and whenever there’s a problem, text me. Got that?” Jamie said after she twirled around her chair to face Ryan.

            “Thanks, Jamie.” Ryan smiled friendlily.

            “Welcome, knucklehead.” Jamie got up and ruffled his messy brown hair.

The next chapter will be really super short, so I hope you don't mind. 


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