Chapter Three: What is it?

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I cannot recall the day, the time and my sanity. I can't...Where's Aaron? Did he wake up before me? Did he and my mom go out somewhere? Odd they wouldn't really be that close. Aaron is awkward. While they're gone I should...I forgot I have nothing to smoke. I haven't heard from Alessa after her arrest. She should be out by now considering the fact that Lawrence had a job and was selling on the... Okay maybe that is getting him any money. So why the hell isn't she out yet? Imma has to fight him if she doesn't get bailed out soon. I wish we could smoke today if she was out already. I got up to then feeling my brain throb, creating a migraine. I fell to my knees and what caught my eye was the odd color in the sky. That's something you'd see in movies but this isn't one, this isn't drugs or hallucinations. This was reality. All I did was fall to the floor. No portal of some sort to take me to another dimension. Surely, I wasn't dead or... am I? Well in that case. If I'm dead I must be in purgatory, right? Hell?, definitely not. Where is the fire and chaos?

I went out of the room. Pausing in my steps, my eyes caught a figure. A grey thing, you could see the ribs within the grey skin as if it hadn't eaten in years. The black, red and purple veins revealed on the skin. black Pus ooze slowly out of the mouth the eyes a faded yellow. Out comes another running towards me. When I say I jumped back into my room fast, I was within seconds and locked the door behind me, moving my dresser in front of it. My heart was out, I was not crazy. This was not a freaking dream. That's something you'd see in movies. All of this is something you'd see in movies. I moved my head closer to the door. Stupid I know, but I wanted to hear it's breathing from the other side. Is it still there? I don't know. I heard breathing and then my name. My name? Who is that? The voice isn't familiar, I don't know anybody with that voice. A voice so soft, You could sense the innocence, sounds harmless. The voice was so mesmerizing, Somehow I was in a trance which made me open my door. I couldn't control my actions, such an energy I'm feeling right now. The door came open and there was nothing there for me to react too... until the voice was screaming from the living room area. I went into the living room area to hear where the voice was coming from because I definitely don't see anyone in here. I'm looking around the room to spot anything out of the abnormal and so far nothing but not until a gun slid into the room from the hallway.

"What the hell?" I looked into the hallway but there was no one on the other end to have slid it. Well it is a sign and that sign says I should have it. I took the gun as everything around me shifted in front of my very eyes. I was now in a pitch black void with dirt underneath me, no more was it a house but a dark dungeon like with one torch lighting the one area I was in. Eventually something was bound to pop out of the dark creases. The sound of the distorted screeching from a distant hit my ears like a fucking coach whistle. I walked the other way where the noise wasn't coming from. The noise seemed to get closer as a figure made its way to me. I ran forward without looking back. I felt at any moment the thing would grab me. Eventually I gave in and looked behind and there was nothing but before I could even turn my head back forwards I ran right into... a door? What? The noise was still going on and it was indeed getting closer, again? I thought whatever that was- ANYWAYS! I went through the door. I didn't even think twice about what could possibly be behind this door waiting to kill me. Didn't cross my mind until I was already on the other side. It was another room, of course but there was a desk with a desk lamp and a book. I went over to take a better look. "Hidden thoughts" Opening the book, The room flooded with voices of different people. The chair pulled out for me as I sat down to read, the book did the same and opened for me. The page that was revealed to me.

Unknown flashback...

"I had the son of bitch as my student around a few years ago and let me just say... he's a bit of a hot headed bastard if you ask me. Okay maybe that's a bit harsh but what the hell do I get to lose, I'm dead. He's killed me with his voodoo magic and I fell for it. What am I saying. I didn't believe in the idea of witchcraft at first but when I started to feel the pain he was inflicting onto me then my beliefs started to change. He was sent away many times before as a kid. His own mother had to wrestle with him just for him to let go of that knife she was cutting meat with in the kitchen, he took it and tried to stab his own father with it because of their divorce.

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