Epilogue: The Mayor's Scenario

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Mayor's Perspective...

Sitting here in my office thinking about the way this town has been since the unknown disaster that affected everything. This town has slowly recovered but everything still seemed a bit off. It wasn't me right. It's like everyone had some epiphany, that life is more meaningful and valuable. It's not a bad thing, it just feels a bit out of character. There would be hateful people, Neutral people, then Loving people but now... now I don't even know.

Everyone wants to know the truth about what had happened months ago. Some mention a black warp hole swallowing them whole, others mention another abnormal reality of this world. I can believe this because I myself have experienced this as well. I sat here one night before the paranormal had happened. What had happened was so unnatural. I heard a noise in the office one night. As usual you would brush some things off because you know it's just a noise right? Well I did. I wish I'd didn't but no matter what I did or didn't do wouldn't have mattered. There were things the size of kids I think they were kids. Covered from head to toe with black covered gunk. You could make out a little bit of their faces but parts of it were covered. Their eyes were an orange red mixture, Pure black pupils, a big one and a small one. Teeth were sharpened like a shark's teeth. They'd shriek almost like an agonizing child . Those little things could run fast. I ran back into my office, Locked my door and blocked everything in front of it. Demons I cried out, demons! I was closed in but those bastards were able to almost break though. I thought I was about to die. They're strength has power so that door was not going to hold up for long. The best way to escape at that point was the window. I crawled out just in time before the door broke down and I don't know what happened after. I guess I fell off the rooftop, I don't exactly know? Ever since we got back to reality, I've just been drinking myself to death. Not proud of it. Stress is why I am drinking so much. Drinking is just making things worse... damn those headaches. Things were still not going great on my end. This morning I got emails and emails of everyone in town complaining. I thought things were fine. Through the window I see people walking down the streets, when I passed by the new café in town, almost everyone I knew was there. So what exactly am I getting here? Emails of complaints when everything is fine.

Burying the past...

All over social media was our town being mentioned as the most chaotic, psychotic, disturbing town in the world. We were at number one and I couldn't deal with it any longer. The more days went by the more hate I would receive. How were things going to be fine when the past hasn't been yet buried. It must, otherwise no other person or tourist would want to come to this town to stay. Businesses will lose money, shops will close. It would be a complete disaster and that's exactly what it is leading to. So how was everyone gonna forget about this whole thing? I need to find a way to bury this. If things go south I will be in deep shit.

During those rough months I do recall evidence of the unknown cult being found. The evidence was kid shoes and kid clothes, Then later that month they found more evidence, people who were probably the followers of the unknown cult. Two bodies of two dead Women. I can't remember their names but I do recall their black hair and facial features. They were witches, I assumed this because the bottles of liquid, herbs, and book of shadows. This unknown location was located deep within the woods. A giant dome, stable, marble flooring. I could've probably hibernated there. Now they're doing something to it. Planning to build some place that I don't know about yet because I haven't been able to talk to anyone about it because of how stressed and stuck in this office I've been. The stress was constantly getting to me. The past needs to be buried now, and I couldn't think of anything to do that would. How could I anyways, it's all over social media and I'd be an idiot to think that it was that easy. These days it's not like decades ago where things could easily be erased. Maybe not... What was I to do, just sit here and waste away. No, I can't do that. I need fresh air to keep me from going insane. I still couldn't wrap my head around the fact that I was the only one experiencing this, that I was the only person getting the backlash. Yet I saw a nice peaceful town with everyone being lovely to one another. Also no sign of news people in this town makes me wonder what the hell is going on. It's like I am seeing two different sides to everything right now. That's a sign of me going insane. I need some air. I went out to get some. I looked around and Again, as I said before. Everything was lovely, the people were okay, chatting, laughing. Even though it felt way off, out of character for the people in town.

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