Chapter Four: The Hunt

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The next day, We started hunting. Linniel Lewis was soon to be found. Brian found an address that connects with Linniel Lewis or where his family lives probably. The location was... well it wasn't far from where we lived. Coincidence.

"So ironic how this house just magically appeared here over a day or two"

"What do you mean"

"The family must have moved in a few days ago but this house was not here. PLus it stands out from all the other houses on the block. Just look at it. It's practically garbage" he was right. Something isn't right about all of this. If what he just said is true then maybe it isn't best to investigate... Although, if we just stop here then the nightmare will never end, well that's if this bastard is our guy.

"Even though it's sketchy. We shouldn't stop here"

"Why would we. I need this to end now because I am never going back to that hell I was dragged to"

There we were standing right in front of the house just debating on whether or not we should continue. I wanted to continue. What exactly do we have to lose, except our lives. Okay that isn't one way to look at it. Brian walked past me and Aaron. He came face to face with the door. Proceed to knock. We waited a while but no one answered, then he knocked again. Again nobody answered nor did anyone come to the door. He was about to walk off but not till the door creaked open. A mist came through the opening. Aaron swallowed hard, feeling a bit of deja vu from his own experience at his house. Brian went inside as we both stood there waiting for something bad to happen but nothing happened. I wasn't gonna stand out there forever and miss out on the fun. I went in after Brian and Aaron followed along. Aaron held on to me, gripping my shirt the entire time. Brian was nowhere to be seen.

"Brian!" I called out his name, he yelled, back here. We followed his voice. The house was pitch black, clocked windows that sealed everything from the light. Mist was everywhere below our feet. The door was the only thing giving us light but the deeper we got into the house the darker it got. Eventually we were with Brian.

"A smell is coming from down here"

"Umm Ashley, Brian. When you smell something... BAD! It's usually a body and-"

"Aaron chill, we'll be okay. I'm sure it's some old shit that's smelling."

A Distorted growling noise came from the other side of the house, maybe outside but I wasn't staying to find out. We all went down to the basement slowly. When we got down there, it was like a maze. Turning each wall and running into another one. Turning corners to go deeper into the rabbit hole. A black liquid trailed forward and stupidly enough we followed. Yes white people are stupid, whatever. The color went from black to red. The two colors blended. Until the were bodies, flesh, guts everywhere. A gory sight to see. It's as if someone used humans to paint scribbles. Aaron threw up everywhere while crying. I was stunned, couldn't move. Brian was also shocked as well. This is something you'd see in movies. Yes I've said it before but at this point nothing feels real anymore, I don't know what is what anymore. The growling noise was starting to get louder and louder. I don't know about Aaron and Brian but I closed my eyes. I wanted to leave this place already. I wanted to go home and hide under my covers. I feel so many things right now, thinking about a lot. Brian was stuttering a bit, still traumatized by the gross scenery that was presented in front of us.

"Do you... hear that..."


I started running, Brian grabbed Aaron and we bolted out of there. Tears continued to run down Aaron's face while Brian was still traumatized. I didn't care anymore. I just continued running. When we got upstairs, Bryan being a big guy broke down the back door. Collapsing from the splinters and an open cut wound he got up and continued running. Aaron tripped a few times but he got up and continued to run as well. As we took the back alley way. The alley led us to the other neighborhood behind the one we were coming off from. Passing people on the streets they started giving us looks. I ignored them but there were more people and more until eventually a whole ass mob was on our asses. Wait what? We were so confused, wondering what exactly we did to piss them off. The crowd was angry, raging to have us killed. We needed to lose them which is going to be hard to do.

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