Hello Dere

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My eyes slowly fluttered open and became adjusted to the afternoon lighting. Everyone was gone, everyone but James that is. My head was cradled softly in his lap as he silently stared down at me. I was probably turning into a tomato because I insantly felt my cheeks heat up. He chuckled at me and I hastily shifted into an up-right position.

"Well good afternoon, Dawn." He held back intense laughter as I comprehended what happened. I fell asleep on him... How fucking embarrassing!!!! I don't even do that to my really close friends!!! (0///0) "Don't worry, it's fine! I don't mind," James managed to choke out through fits of laughter. "*Sigh* It was cute." Ah shet. I was defenately full on tomato by now.

"I-I'm sorry... I don't know what got into me... " The man who lived here pulled up into his driveway and saw us on his doorstep. He grabbed his phone and dialled the police.

"OH SHIT!" we both yelled. He grabbed my hand as we bolted away as fast as we could.

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