Calmari Implantation

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Tide pounded down the pavement of the platforms in a gray cavern. After fighting his way through mazes of propellers and twintacles he finally reached the zapfish. One zapfish closer to Cap'n. He grabbed the fish, and stopped to catch his breath.

His headset vibrated, "*crackle* Ksshht *crackle*"
"H3110 can y0u h3ar m3?
Another voice cut in, "You're holding that up side down"
"Who are you?! Did you squidnap Cap'n?" Three shouted.
"OHH, Agent 1 of the new Squidbeak splatoon reporting in!"
"Agent 2 also reporting in! We got a SOS from Cap'n Cuttlefish!"
"Are you Agent 3? Don't worry we're your new support team!"
"Yep! We're taking over for the Cap'n. Well, we're gonna try..." Two's voice trailed off.
"But we gotta hurry, or the Cap'n is as good as sushi!"
"Let's roll Agent Three!"
Three's eyes brightened.
"Okay! I'll head to the next kettle right away!"
We're going to find you, Cap'n.


"As elite Octolings we get our own private rooms in the barrack, two servings of fruit per week, and a few other extra privileges," Marina said as she gave Kia a tour of the facility, "Over here there's a library, gym, and concert hall that plays Turquoise October's latest hits"
"Wow, fancy! This elite octoling stuff is sweet. Is the library open tomorrow? I'd love to check it out"
"It should be open once you get off your shift tomorrow"
"Wait, hold up. I'm not even assigned to a squad yet, and I'm not supposed to be super jumping for another week. What shift could I possibly take?"
"I don't know, but the shift board at the barracks should be updated, so you can check. Let's head back, it's getting late"

After a short walk they reached the barracks. Marina barely glanced at a screen plastered on the main hall that displayed shift times and locations.
"Wasabi supply unit as per usual. Well, I'll be in my room if you need me" she trudged through a door on the left, leaving Kia alone in the hall.
Let's see: Jin... Kay... Kia. She traced her finger on the line:

Kia Aster, 0600 to 1200, Cuttlefish guard


Around 0530 Kia paced in front of the bathroom mirror. With a distastful frown she slid a pair of goggles over her face. Okay, elite octoling reporting for duty. Time to guard that slimy squid! She groaned, who am I squidding. This is going to be so awkward.

A cheery rendition of the octo eight step blared over the speakers. Shuffling erupted around the barracks as octolings began to wake up and prepare for the day. Time's up. Kia walked to Marina's door and awaited the older the octoling.

Together they walked to the subway shuttle that would take them to the DJ's Octavio's stronghold. After fifteen minutes of hurtling through a dark and narrow tunnel light poured through the gauzy glass windows. Kia pressed her nose to the panes as she tried to see beyond the warped surface. Soon the tram jolted to a halt. Marina and Kia exited along with an assortment of Octobombers, snipers, and commanders.
"Woah..." Kia looked up in awe of the cavern.

It was a smaller than the regular caverns, but seemed grand as only one building dominated the area. A Fortress created by three interconnected towers with layers of upturned square tiled roofs stood in the center the cave. A forest of stalagmites with strings of lanterns hanging between them surrounded the castle. The blue-black body of the great zapfish curled around the tallest tower. But the strangest part of the scene was the calmness that enveloped the air, void of the hum emitted from air filtration devices. A single beacon of light shone on the fortress and illuminated the cave. Kia tried find where the light was coming from, but was blinded when she stared at into it. Marina laughed, "That's an airship tunnel, it'll lead straight to the base of octo canyon. So this is one of the few places in the caves with natural light. Didn't you pass through here when you got back from the surface?"
Kia's cheeks burned as she remembered her nap, "Uh, must have not noticed. Guess that's why there's no floating platforms in this cavern"
"Well, yes. And the fact that as ruler Octavio can get away with wasting a little space. Now come on, we're going to be late"

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