Welcome to the City, Squid? No.

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Tide met Katsu in the center of Inkopolis square. The sun had already risen, but the square was still deserted as no inkling in their right mind woke up this early.
"About time you showed up, we got a full day of practicing ahead of us. Tomorrow is our first battle in the tournament"
"Why hello Katsu, it's good to see you, too", Tide tried to ignore the growing pit of apprehension taking over his stomach. He'd been too preoccupied with Shatter to focus too much on his sudden admission into the tournament, but with the event only a mere twenty four hours away his nerves were catching up to him.
"First let's go check on Shatter"
"Yes, yes. I'll make sure your little octo friend isn't dead. Besides, I've been meaning to ask her a few questions for our project"
Picking up a bag with juice and bagels for breakfast, Tide followed Katsu to the squid hole and morphed down into its depths.

Outside the cabin Shatter lounged in the sunshine. Cap'n was no where in sight, he had mumbled something about visiting his granddaughters before leaving yesterday. She jumped to her feet when Tide and Katsu emerged from the hole.
"Shouldn't you be resting?", Katsu inquired.
"I believe you must have done enough resting for the both of us what with how long it took you to get here"
"Tide was the one that was late"
"Sure", Shatter said slowly, "it was all Three's fault"
"Guys, relax. We're here now. I brought bagels", Tide let the bag rest on his palms like a peace offering. Shatter accepted the bagel and nibbled the edge.
"Hmm, nice chewy texture. Not anywhere near as sweet as other squid food. Not bad, not bad"
"Um, you forgot to add any cream cheese", Tide handed her a tub of some. She dipped one finger in and tasted it, "Now there's the sickening amount sugar. I'll pass"

"Speaking of sickening", Katsu interjected, "I going to have to redress those burns, then Tide and I have practice"
"Take me with you! As Three's personal coach I can help. Besides it'd be boring to stand around here all day"
"Tide, doesn't need a trainer. He needs a team leader, and I don't suppose you're one"
"Three, why don't you tell Lady angry face here how I'm way more qualified to teach fighting skills than she'll ever be"
Tide's head swiveled between the two girls. He folded his arms defensively and averted their eyes.
"Shatter, I'd love to take you up to the city, and I know your training helps me, but don't you think you shouldn't over exert yourself? It's only been a day since the incident, you still seem a bit pale and shaken"
Shatter shifted her shades off and pierced Tide with a steely gray gaze.
"I'll be fine"
Tide sighed, and looked over at Katsu who was shaking her head no with a murderous look plastered on her face.
"Sorry, it's too soon. Maybe next time"

"That's right, now let's take a look at those burns and get out of here", Katsu started to tugging away the bandages. Shatter squirmed, "Three, I think your friend here is trying to kill me", she yelped.
"Never antagonize the inkling who's the medic", Katsu sneered.
"Can't you guys just get along?", Tide pleaded. Katsu looked down abashed,
"I will if she will", she conceded and began to handle the injury more delicately. Shatter murmured a few not very nice sounding words in Octarian, but clenched her jaw and didn't complain for the rest of the check up.

"Okay, one more thing before we get out of here", Katsu said as she put away her supplies.
"Tide and I are doing a project on octolings for school, so I'm going to have to ask you a few questions"
"Ask away"
"What's an Octoling's normal diet? You appear to be a bit picky about regular food"
"Regular?", Shatter scoffed, "There is nothing regular about the excess of flavor and sugar you inklings dump on the fat inducing substance you call food. Octolings eat the rations dictated to them by the military. Lots of protein bars filled with vitamin supplements to ensure health and strength far beyond your imagination"
Katsu pulled out a notepad and started jotting down her findings, "So, let me get this straight. Octolings are mindless soldiers that have to be facilitated by an evil empirical rule in all aspects of life right down to the very details of their nutrition. As a result the octolings flavorless palate can only be matched by their bland personalities"

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