Chapter 12: Lets Date for Real

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Lisa's POV

"Lisa want to grab lunch together later? If it's alright with your girlfriend." Nancy ask

"Yeah sure Jennie will not mind it" I said. It's not considering cheating right we are not in a relationship after all.

Lunch Break

Nancy is feeding me like a baby and it makes everyone at the cafeteria look at us. My friends are watching us from a distance and they are recording what's happening to me. They are laughing so hard especially Jeongyeon and Moonbyul.

"Lisayah ahhh," Nancy said

I just eat what she gives to me. I shouldn't agree with her my pride is being wrecked right now.

"What do you think you're doing with my girlfriend?" An angry Jennie said

"Is it wrong to feed Lisa?" Nancy said

"Yeah it wrong when the girl your feeding has a girlfriend already" Jennie said

"I will go now Nancy" I said then I drag Jennie with me. If I don't do that a fight will be initiated for sure.

Jennie and I go to the garden I sit under the tree and so does she. I get one of my juice box in my bag and gives it to Jennie, she takes it and slowly drinks it.

"Why are you with that girl earlier did you forget that you have a girlfriend?" She said

"I'm just being friendly to her and we are not in a real relationship after all" I said

"But what if I want to make it real" she said

"What?" I ask

"Let's date for real and I don't take no for answer" she said

"I will agree but you need to answer my question honestly" I said

"Okay" she said

"Why did you want to date me?" I ask

"Because... I think I already fall for you and I can't stop my feelings anymore" she said while looking at my eyes

"Okay I will date you" I said

As I said that I don't expect what happened next. She crashes her lips on mine. At first, I'm not responding to her kiss but when she pulled me closer to her I start to respond. Her lips taste like orange juice and I like it.

I bit her lower lip before we stop kissing each other to get some air. She smiles at me sweetly which makes my heart melt.

"I love you" that three words is enough to make my whole world stop for a while

"I just said I love you why are you not responding?" She ask

"I was... Taken back on what you said" I said

"Okay, do you love me too?" She asks

"I like you" she has a disappointment on her face when I said that

"Okay it's better than you said that you don't like me so it's alright for now" she said

2 months later...

So many things happen for the past month. First I'm dating Jennie for real now. Second Seulgi is officially dating Irene so she has to pay us 500 thousand won each. Third is Jisoo fall for Rosé but Rosé hates her now crazy right. Lastly, Kai stops bothering Jennie for a while now.

"Come on Hubby the 2nd movie is starting" Jennie said

"I will be there in sec wifey I'm just waiting for the popcorn to pop" I said

I'm at Jennie's house we are having a movie marathon date today as she requested. Our call sign is so cheesy but I like it so much. Jennie is the one who chooses it because she doesn't like the call sign baby and babe she said it's too common.

After I put the popcorn in the bowl I go to Jennie. I sit beside her then she hugs my side while her focus is still on the tv. Her sweet and clingy side makes me fall for her. In the past 2 months, I haven't confessed that I love her back.

After 1 and a half hours the movie is finished and we are both hungry because it's dinner time now.

"What do you want to eat for dinner hubby?" Jennie ask

"Salad?" I said

"Are you vegetarian Lisa? You only eat vegetable and fruits when we ware eating together" she asks

"No I'm not vegetarian I just want to live a healthy life that's why I only eat vegetables and fruits" I said

"Is it alright if I make bake and mac tonight?" She said

"It will be perfect" I said

She starts to prepare our dinner while I'm watching her. She looks so hot cooking I want to kiss her right now but she is cooking.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" She said with a smirk

"You just look hot wifey" I said which makes her blush cute.

She goes to me and gives me a peck on the lips then she continues what she is doing.

"Wifey you can stop paying me now for being your personal maid. I will do it even you don't pay me your my girlfriend after all"

"But hub-" I cut her off

"Please Jennie I don't date you because of your money. I date you because I like you" I said

"But hubby you will not have a job anymore if you don't have a job, you will find another one. Then you won't have more time to me " she said

"I will find ways to be with you don't worry wifey" I said

"I will just agree if you will sleep here tonight" she said

"But we have class tomorrow wifey and I don't have clothes to change too" I said

"Pretty please" she said while doing an aegyo. Too much cuteness my heart will melt

"Alright I will keep here but I will go home early so I can change my clothes" I said

"Yehey" she said while showing her beautiful gummy smile

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