Chapter 9: Parting Ways

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Morning approached here in hell. Embers of sunlight dimly scattered throughout Loona's room, which was also applied a lighter shade of purple on the blankets. You awake to feel well-rested and energized. Loona, on the other hand, had a major hangover from all the booze she consumed. Loona's eyes opened a little, and soon, all the way, and saw that you were patiently waiting for her to wake up. She suddenly held her head, and said in a quiet, rough tone, "aw, fuck, my head."

"Morning, sweetheart," you say excitedly.

"Yeah fuck you too." She turned onto her back and both of her hands were on her forehead this time. You ask, "Am I allowed to touch you?"

"Y/N, the best thing you can do right now is shut up and do nothing."

You did so and got on your phone and minded your own business. You tell her, "Well if you need anything let me know." Since you have no way to contact your friends and family in the living world since hell and earth operate at different frequencies, you text the friends you made in hell, instead. Simply, you texted them to see what they were up to and that they were ok, as to what a good friend does. Fortunately, they were all doing well. Then, suddenly, Loona mutters something, "could you go make me a glass of water?"

You kiss her on the cheek, "yes I can." Before leaving, you put on the underwear and the shorts you wore last night. You open the door but didn't shut it to minimize the noise for the sake of her headache. In the kitchen, you spot Blitzo in his fridge wearing the robe he wore to bed.

"Uh, hey Blitz."

Blitzo becomes startled, "HUH, WHAT?! Oh, hey, Y/N. Sorry, you kinda scared me there. How's Loonie doin'?"

"Well right now she has a hangover and she told me to bring her a glass of water."

"That poor child, when will she ever learn?... How about I make you two breakfast?!" He grins.

"If you're willing to cook it, of course!"

Blitzo poured the glass of water you needed and opened the freezer to put ice in it. "A secret between you and me: Loona likes everything cold. Ironic, I know, since we're literally in hell... Here." He hands you the cup of ice water.

"Thank you."

"I'll get started on breakfast!" Blitzo then walks to the stove to prepare. You walk back to Loona's room to give her the water. When you entered, she was not holding her head anymore, but that did not mean that her feeling like shit dissipated. By her bedside, you say, "here you go, Loona," and you gave her the water.

"Oh thank you." She then sat up and drank almost all of it in one sitting. This made your eyes widen as you did not understand how badly she needed water. She was also hungry again. Minutes later, you two smelt the breakfast Blitzo was making in the kitchen. "I-is that dad cooking? *sigh* It smells so good!" She pulled the covers off of her to investigate. Before she went, though, she put on a purple blouse with somewhat tight shorts she grabbed from the dresser and put up her hair. Perhaps, that was her favorite color. Loona said, "Don't you tell any of the coworkers I wear this."

Little did you know that he was actually a professional at cooking, and made an entire English breakfast. "Gee, Blitz, I didn't know you were so considerate."

Blitzo proudly holds his spatula in the air, "Oh, I just thought of myself. What did I want the most, you know?.. The food is pretty much done, so you two, come and get it! Especially you, Loona. You are going to need your strength if you're going to move to Y/N's house!" Loona waited no time and grabbed all that she could possibly handle. The same applied to yourself, but you just wanted food. You were not the one with the hangover.

Loona started eating her meal like a wild animal (oh the irony), but you took the time to enjoy yours. "Why the fuck is this so good?" she says with a mouth full of food.

"Maybe you just missed your daddy's cooking!" he says with a babyface. She smiled.

You and her finished eating, you say, "man, that was the best thing I've had in a long time!" Loona agreed. "Well, let's get started." You then say. You and her walk back into Loona's bedroom and she opens the door to her closet and sat a briefcase on her bed. Thankfully, all the clothes Loona had were able to fit inside, followed by various trinkets she had. Loona did not care for the posters though, seeing how she can just get more, so she left them hanging on the walls. While Loona was packing and you helping her, she realized that she also had to consider her tarantulas. "Oh!" She walked over to the terrariums. "Poor things, I forgot all about you guys! Y/N, could you help me finish packing? I need to feed these."

You did so. Once she finished feeding them, everything she wanted in the suitcase was already inside, and you closed it. "That was quick," she says.

"What does the supposed to mean?"

"You're... Fast at packing shit? What else?"

"Ok..." you say carefully.

She realized what you were implying, "Ugh, you know what I mean! Get your mind out of the gutter! Don't worry, you can last, unlike some men." You laugh. Loona then says, "I'll go tell Blitz we're ready. Don't forget, you are bringing the tanks with you too to be prepared to make two trips." She kisses you on the cheek and left her room to find Blitzo. You followed behind her with the suitcase full of things. You also grabbed her purse that hanged on the headboard post.

"Blitz, we're leaving now."

"Ok," he says. He gives her one last hug, "you take good care of yourself. You're a big girl now."

She sighs, smiling with her eyes closed, "I know, dad... I love you."

Both you and she were at the front door and you opened it. You say, "thank you, Blitz, thank you for everything. I don't know where I would be if I didn't find your corporation."

As a comical element, Blitzo chuckles and says, "Michael still would have still been alive, that's for sure." You laugh, "Right." You say, "See you later, my friend."

Blitzo was touched. "My friend." You shut the door, which meant that Loona was officially leaving Blitzo's house. You open your car's trunk and put the suitcase full of clothes and trinkets inside, and you handed Loona her purse. "You have your phone, right?"

"Duh," she says pulling it out. It was rather extra bright in hell today - the weather was clear and void of smoke and brimstone, which was unusual. Both you and she then got in the vehicle and drove off. While driving, Loona opened your glovebox, found a pair of sunglasses, and put them on. The relationship you two have becomes even more official. A chapter in both of you all's lives have come to a close, making way for a new one - a clean slate - a chance to make things better, as if they weren't good already.

𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐇𝐨𝐦𝐞, 𝐁𝐚𝐛𝐞 ♥ (a Loona x reader fic)Where stories live. Discover now