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Warnings: Mentions of physical abuse, fluff, some smut at the end
Note: This is not his real wife's name, I'm making one up.
Song Recommendation: Don't Give Up On Me, Andy Grammer
Summary: You and James have always been close, even when he was in the HP movies. And when you found out his wife was abusing him, you wasted no time in showing her a thing or two about respect.
"James! What's going on?" I ask smiling while taking a sip of my coffee.
"Can you meet me somewhere?" He asked whispering through the phone.
"Sure, send me a location." I say a little worried.
The call hangs up and I get a text moments later of our secret spot from when we were kids.
"This man, I swear." I say to myself giggling.
I pay for my coffee and hop into my car heading to our spot.
Driving along the dirt trail I see his car up ahead pulled over, looking more I saw him sitting by our tree.
I pull my car off the road next to his and get out cautiously.
Sighing, I lock my car and walk up to him.
It seemed the closer I got, the worse he looked.
Black eye, torn clothes, dirt on his face, hair messed up. It wasn't until I saw the blood that I ran up to him and kneeled next to him.
"James?" I ask softly.
His hand slides on my waist and he falls face first on my stomach.
I play with his hair and pull him closer, rubbing his back to calm him down.
"It was awful, Y/N." He cried into my stomach.
I pick up his head and slouch down a little causing him to lay his head on my chest.
"Just listen to my heartbeat, James." I whisper.
His cries soon faded and his hand goes limp.
I rub his face and his eyes flutter open.
"Please tell me who did this." I say to him calmly.
He swallows hard, as if to say "if I told you, you'd kill them."
"It was Angelica." He whispered.
Angelica. Let me be clear on who she is. She's a no good, gold digging, two faced prat who doesn't care about anyone but herself. Her and I never got along, especially when she started dating James. He was too in love to see she was using him. And now I have the perfect opportunity to beat the bitch out of her.
I help James to his feet and we go to our cars and say our goodbyes.
Little did he know that he'd be seeing me sooner than that.
I took a different route to James' flat than he did because I didn't want him to know we were going to the same place. He would try to stop me from doing anything. That's the Pisces and Hufflepuff in him.
I got to his flat before he did, but just as I was about to get out of my car he pulled up.
Groaning I waited for him to get inside.
Once the coast was finally clear I got out of my car quietly and snuck around the back of his house and grabbed the key, hidden in a pot.
I unlocked the door and slid it open slowly. But as soon as I did I heard screaming coming from upstairs. I silently closed the door and snuck upstairs and in their bedroom I saw Angelica standing of James holding a vase in her hand, about to drop it on James.
My anger built up and I tackled her to the ground, vase dropping next to James.
She was disoriented which gave me the perfect opportunity to punch her straight in the nose, knocking her out.
I stood up and walked over to James carefully. He grabbed my hands and I walked with him out of his flat and we got into my car.
The ride to mine was silent. My knuckles felt broken but I bit my tongue through the pain, I know James was hurting more than I. He had the emotional and mental pain as well.
I pull into my driveway and we get out of the car and to my front door.
Still silent we walk into my flat and I drop my purse next to the door and grab James' hand, leading him to my bedroom.
"Sit down." I tell him softly.
He sits on my bed and I go to my bathroom to get my first aid kit.
I sit on the bed facing him and grab some rubbing alcohol and a cotton pad and dab his face gently. He groaned and grabbed my thigh tightly.
"I- I'm sorry." He said removing his hand.
I grab his hand and set it on my thigh again.
"If that helps with the pain then keep doing it, I'm not done yet." I whisper.
His hand remained on my thigh and I dabbed the cotton pad on his lip, he squeezed again, wincing away from me.
I grab his arms and get any little cuts and stand up walking to my bathroom, turning on the water.
I walk back out into my bedroom to see him still sitting there.
"Well are you going to strip or what?" I ask giggling.
"What?" He asked, his face turning red.
"I'm running you a bath so you can relax, so strip lover boy." I say smiling.
I get my first aid kit and set it on my vanity and look away from him.
I pour rubbing alcohol on a cotton pad and dab my hand.
I bite my lip and bend over in curdling pain.
"Fuck." I cry out.
James's hand snakes around my waist and holds me. He takes the cotton pad away and grabs a wrap and wraps my hand, little did I know he was only in boxers while do this.
I look up in the mirror and see his abs.
"You've been working out, I see." I giggle from the pain and embarrassment.
"Oh, yeah a bit." He chuckles.
We just stood there for a moment, his hands still on my waist. I stand up slowly and I look at him in the mirror.
"You're so much taller than I am, it's not fair." I pout.
He looks at the mirror and moves behind me wrapping his arms over my shoulders.
"You like it though." He winks.
I giggle and look down.
His thumb rubs my chin and lifts my head up.
"Why her?" I ask seriously.
His face falls and he sighs.
"It was such a long time ago I don't even remember." He lies.
His arms fall off my shoulders and I grab his arm, pulling him back.
"You're lying." I say bluntly.
I turn around and look up at him.
"I've known you my whole life James Andrew Eric Phelps. I know when you're lying." I pull my hair out of a ponytail.
He tilts his head and looks me in the eyes.
Sighing he pulls me to the bed and sits down.
"I was jealous." He admits.
"Of what? Or who?" I ask giggling.
"Your ex." He says almost in a whisper.
The memories of my ex and I started to flood back. Him and I were going to get married until he cheated on me with my best friend at the time. I was suddenly snapped back to my reality and looks over at James who was staring straight ahead of him at nothing.
"Jealous of Drew? Why?" I ask while pulling my body onto the bed more, crossing my legs.
"Bloody hell, Y/N, can't you see or understand what I'm trying to say?" He snaps standing up.
"No James, I can't, so stop beating it around the bush and just tell me what is going on inside that chaotic head of yours." I whisper, standing up next to him.
"I can't say it." He says shortly.
"Why not?" I ask, tilting my head.
"Because I'm still married. Sure I'm planning on divorcing her but I'm still married." He says leaning against the wall in defeat, looking up at the ceiling.
"That's fair." I give up and walk back to the bed and lay down.
Silence filled the room. He shifted around a bit.
I heard him start to shift more.
"Oh fuck it." He sighed and walked over to me.
The bed shifted but since my eyes were closed I though he was just next to me.
I flutter my eyes open to see him hovering over me.
"James what are you-" I was cut off by his soft lips attaching to mine.
My hands slid up his arms and onto his shoulders. He slide his arms under mine, laying his chest on mine making the kiss deeper. I pull my legs out from underneath and set them on either side of him. He begins to grind on my softly, which led to me moaning softly in his ear.
Suddenly we hear the loudest knock on my door. Startled, we look at each other in confusion and I fix myself up and walk out of my bedroom, James close behind me. I look through the peep hole to see Angelica standing outside with a bat in her hand.
I look at James and grab my crowbar. He opens the door and she doesn't swing at him luckily.
"James, sweetheart. Where's Y/N?" She asked innocently.
"She went out to grab some things at the store-" He began.
"Don't lie to me James!" She snapped.
"I don't know where she is." He said calmly.
She burst her way through the door and I snuck out from behind the door and swung my crowbar at her hand. She dropped the bat and fell to the ground crying.
"Oh I'm sorry, did I break your hand?" I say innocently whilst kicking the bat away from her reach.
I lift her head up with the edge of my crowbar and make her look at me.
Tears falling down her cheeks.
"If you ever try to talk to James again, you'll find yourself leaving with more than just a broken hand." I snarl at her.
"He's my husband!" She yelled, still crying.
"Not for much longer, love." I say and stand back up.
She looked at James, trying to make him feel bad for her, and it would've worked if I hadn't grabbed his hand.
Her eyes darted to me and she stood up quickly, lunging at me. James grabbed her and held her back.
"Oh I knew you'd choose me, James." She said and immediately grabbed his arm, attempting to drag him out of my house.
He swiped his arm away from her and backed up next to me.
"No, Angelica. I don't choose you." He said softly.
Her eyes fill with rage.
"This is all your fault!" She screamed looking at me.
"My fault? You're the one who abused him! You only married him for his money! I suggest you leave my house and never come back here again!" I screech at her.
She's taken aback and lunges for me again, this time James wasn't so lucky to grab her so she tackled me to the floor and tried to punch me.
She was pulled off and I was pulled away from her. I look up to see a police officer arresting her and the other is behind me.
"Ma'am are you okay?" The officer asked.
"Yes. she barged into my house, I was just trying to defend my friend and I." I explain.
"We can get a full report later. Sir, are you alright?" They turn to James.
He nods his head and helps me off the ground holding my waist as we watch the police take Angelica to their car.
"May I ask the full story of this?" The police officer asked once they returned.
We explained the story, they didn't convict me for hurting Angelica since it was purely self-defense. She went to jail then an insane asylum.
James and I got married a year later, it was quite the ceremony, until...
To Be Continued....

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