George✨For Bella

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Warnings: None
Song Recommendation: Everything I Wanted, Billie Eilish
It's been 3 years since the war at Hogwarts. I wish I could say that George has healed over Fred's death.
Unfortunately, he hasn't. I've been practically living at the burrow because it seems I'm the only one who can calm him down when he has his nightmares.
Tonight was going to be the same.
"Fred, Fred!" I heard George yell.
I set my book down and ran upstairs to his room. He was grabbing his blankets, still asleep.
I run my fingers through his hair softly to calm him down.
He shoots up and looks around.
"Where's Fred!?" He yells.
I grab his hand.
"George." I whisper.
He looks at me.
"Bella, it happened again. The same dream." He said tears starting to fall down his face.
I pull him into a hug.
"Shhh it's okay." I whisper.
He sobs in my chest while I play with his hair.
"He was right there. I could have saved him." He sobs.
Every night when this happens I try and find new ways to calm him down.
He pulls away to wipe his tears and looks at me.
I swing my leg around and sit on his lap, he looks up at me confused.
I move a piece of hair from his face. His hands wrap around my waist slowly.
I wipe away his tears softly.
"I need to tell you something." He says softly.
"Okay." I whisper.
"I think I'm in love with you. And I think I have been, since we first met." He says avoiding eye contact.
"Me too." I smile.
He looks up at me smiling.
"Really?" He asks.
I nod my head.
He moves one of his hands to the side of my face slowly and pulls. He places his lips onto mine softly.
We move in sync through the kiss.
Pulling away for air, his cheeks turn red.
"Can you sleep in here with me?" He asks quietly.
"Of course." I say.
He slides over and swing my leg over and fall next to him. His hand slides on my stomach and I flip over so he can wrap his arm around my waist holding me tight.
The next morning
"Bella!" I hear someone say.
I open my eyes slowly to see George standing in front of the bed, dressed.
"You're up! And dressed?" I ask lifting myself up.
"I made you breakfast and coffee." He says setting a plate of food in front of me.
"George this is so sweet." I say.
He leans down and kisses me softly.
"Now hurry! I want to take you somewhere." He says.
I eat my breakfast and he watches me.
When I finish eating he pulls me out of bed and shows me a dress he wants me to wear.
"This is cute!" I say and pick it up.
He turns around and I giggle.
I slide off my t-shirt and leggings and grab the dress slipping it over my head.
It fit perfectly.
How did he know?
I grab some shoes to match and my purse.
He picks me up bridal style and takes me down the stairs.
When he sets me down he grabs my hand and pulls me outside to Arthur's new and improved car.
We get in and he starts the car then we take off.
"Where are we going?" I ask.
"You'll see." He says softly taking my hand.
He lands the car on an abandoned road and drives for a little bit.
"Close your eyes." He says.
Reluctantly, I close my eyes and I hear the car door open and close. My door is swung open and my nose is filled with the scent of salt water.
He grabs my hand and leads me out of the car. Then he picks me up and I'm set down on a soft surface.
I hear crashing as if it were a wave.
"Open your eyes." He says.
I open my eyes and we are on a beach, no one else is around.
"This is beautiful." I say.
He leads me over to a table with all sorts of food on it.
"You did all this?" I ask and look at him.
"Of course I did, Bella. I wanted to make sure our first date was special." He whispers.
I smile and walk up to him.
"Are you sure you're okay, Georgie?" I ask softly.
He nods his head slowly.
"I'm with you. How could I not be okay?" He smiles.
I take his hand and slip off my shoes leading him to the ocean.
We stop and the water his our feet, then pulls away.
"My mum used to tell me that when the water would go back, she could feel that it was a loved one trying to pull her." I say to him.
He starts tearing up.
"Freddie will always be with you. He's not going to leave you for a second." I whisper and turn to him.
He wraps his arms around my waist.
"Thank you for always being there when I needed you." He said.
"What else would I be doing?" I giggle.
He leans in and kisses me, it feels it's been an eternity and we pull away.
"Now let's go eat." He whispers.
I run to the picnic table, George not far behind. I slow down and he grabs my waist and giggles.
We sit down and eat.
I can't remember the last time I saw him eat..
We talk about anything and everything we can. Soon the sun was beginning to set and I turn around to see the sun is glistening off the water.
Suddenly music starts playing and I turn my head to see George standing up with his hand out.
I take it and he pulls me to the damp sand and we dance. I lay my head on his chest while we sway back and forth.
"Why did you bring me here?" I ask.
"This was a special place for Fred and I. We would come here and just talk." He whispers.
"What would you talk about?" I question.
"Life, crushes, family. Everything really." He answers.
I nod my head and sigh.
We just keep dancing until this sun is no longer in sight.
He takes my hand slowly.
"I really do love you, Bella." He whispers.
"I love you too, Georgie. I always have." I smile up at him.
He places his hands on each side of my face and kisses me passionately.
When we pull away a cold breeze whips passed us.
"Let's pack up everything and go home." George smiles.
I nod my head and we grab our sandy shoes and use a spell to clean up the mess.
We head back to the car and head home.
Once we get there, I flop onto the couch about to go to sleep until I'm picked up.
"George I'm tired." I whine.
"Then I shall take you upstairs." He smirks.
I groan and he walks up the stairs and into his room.
He sets me down on the bed and jumps next to me. We throw the blanket over us and I quickly go to sleep. But not before noticing that he slid his arm around my waist.

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