Teenage moms

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Word count : 1038

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Multiverse Found : Teenage moms

*Inko pov*

"Teenage moms? WAIT does that mean me and Mitsuki are going to be Teenagers?!" I yelled excitedly as everyone chuckled at me. I didn't really care tho, I just want to see myself as a teen again! "Yea i'm pretty sure that's what it means Mis. Midoriya." Kate-sama chuckled and everyone smiled and looked at the screen. 

The screen opened up and showed Aizawa walking through the door that had just opened right into the classroom causing the class to shut up. As soon as they saw him sigh and look at the class most of them started to whisper to each other. "Alright I have something to tell you so don't talk until I'm done." Aizawa paused for a second to let that last of the noise die down. "All right so Midoriya, Bakugou can you come to the front please." Midoriya stood up shocked but went to the front right away. Bakugou tisked but soon reluctantly stood up and walked to the front. "Alright so the reason I've pulled both of you up front is because your mothers were caught in the middle of a villain attack." that statement alone caused Midoriya to scream in worry. "What did I say about talking?" Aizawa activated his quirk and stared at Midoriya. "Sorry Aizawa sensei." Midoriya looked down but you could still see the worry present on his face, Bakugou on the other hand had a blank face but you could tell he was worried as well. "Now, both of your mothers are fine. Although they were hit by a quirk. The quirk they were hit with was called Decrease, its a simple quirk that reverts the body to a younger age. Although their state of mind was left alone so they remember everything. You two can come in now." Aizawa looked to the door and it slowly opened showing, Inko Midoriya, and Mitsuki Bakugou. "MOM?\HAG?"  Katsuki and Izuku yelled out at the same time. "Izuku look Im your age now!" Inko excitedly ran in and hug Izuku, Izuku just started laughing as he hugged her back. "Hello Katsuki." Mitsuki smirked and walked in causing the boys in the class to blush and look down. Mineta on the other hand.... "Hey gorgeous how about I take you out of here and show you a good time?" Both Bakugou's froze. "I'm guessing your Minoru Mineta?" Mitsuki smirked at Mineta and Katsuki took a step back. "That would be me Baby Cakes." Mineta smirked and walked closer to Mitsuki. "Hey Aizawa? Would it count as child abuse if i'm the same age as them?" Aizawa looked at Mitsuki blankly "No It wouldn't, also I don't care." He layed back down in his sleeping bag leaving the two chuckling Bakugou's. "Y-you know w-what nevermind..." Mineta turned around to leave but stopped and his disgusting appeared once more. "Hey Mis. Midoriya how abo.." Mineta was caught off by a once smiling Izuku... who was now crouched in front of Mineta. "What were you about to say Mineta?" Izuku smiled at him, but it wasn't his normal smile... Oh no it was nothing like the sunshine filled smile that he gave everyone. Nope this smile was filled with malicious intent. "I have an Idea. How about you finish that sentence. Then I would have an opportunity to punch you into the sun?" Mineta ferociously shook his head no and backed away. Izuku stood up activated his quirk just a little bit to let off some lightning and smiled again. "Good, now either go to your seat or go to recovery girl to get a new pair of pants." Mineta rushed out of the room and in point two seconds the mood of the class went from terrifying to happy. Everyone sighed in relief  as they could finally let out the breath they were holding in without even knowing. "Gosh dang Deku. I had know idea you could be that terrifying." Uraraka heaved out. Izuku turned back around and rubbed the nap of his neck. "Yea sorry about that, i'm just very protective of my Mum." Inko chuckled and gave him another hug. "Alright now that that part is over with how about we introduce ourselves. Well for starters my name is Inko Midoriya, and I am Izuku's mother. You may call me Inko." Inko smiled and almost like a disease smiles appeared on the classes face. "Alright my name is Mitsuki Bakugou and I'm this Brats mother. You can call me Mitsuki." Mitsuki introduced her self and hit Bakugou's back with her hand. "STOP HITTING ME HAG!!" "STOP CALLING ME HAG IM YOUR MOTHER!!" and the screaming match as begon......It continued for ten more minutes. That is until Inko sweetly walked over and grabbed both Bakugou's by the back of the head and smashed them together causing the two to fall to the ground holding their skull's. "Mitski, Katsuki. I will kindly ask you to shut up please. Aizawa has a class to teach, and I would like to see how their class is teached." Both Mitsuki and Bakugou looked up in fear while nodding their heads. "Now I know where Midoriya's creepy factor came from." Kirishima whispered to Sero and Kaminari as they nodded in agreement. "Ok Aizawa you may start your class, go sit down." She looked at Aizawa and quickly looked at the Bakugou's. A minuet latter everyone was quiet and sitting in there seat as Aizawa was up front and teaching his class.

"Welp I now know to never anger the Midoriya's" Kaminari shakly notes. Everyone nods there head in agreement. "Ok now that, that one is over does anyone have a comment?" Kate-sama askes and Shigaraki opens his mouth to speak, but Izuku interrupts "Tenko Shimura if your about to say anything bad about my mother I would kindly advise against it." Shigaraki's mouth hangs open in surprise. "Close your mouth...you'll catch flies" Izuku crepaly smiles at the LOV and all of them sit up straight and kept their mouth shut. "Alrighty then. No one else as questions then. Lets move on to the next Multiverse.

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