Chapter Three

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Beaver High School, like every other high school, there are the same cliche groups. Popular, which consists of the rich and snobby kids, that used to be me right before shit hit the fan. The geeks, always the top in our classes, the jocks or meatheads, sporty people with good looks, and then the last group is the outcasts, people who don't belong to any group, that would be me. The outcasts are usually picked on by everyone, even the geeks. Each day I walk past the groups as I walk into school and each time they look at me with disgust. But today is different, I could tell when I walked through the gates.

Instead of everyone looking at me today, they were all watching three guys pull into the lot. I took this chance to sneak past everyone and go into the school. I pull open the doors and walk straight to the nurse's office. The name Ms. Boon is written on a plaque to the right of the door. I give two knocks on the glass door. I pause, I don't know how I didn't notice before I left the house, but my knuckle is covered in blood. Carie's blood. As the door swings open, I put my hands in my pocket.

"Morning Skylar, how can I help you?" Ms. Boon is a sweet middle-aged woman. She has short-cropped black hair, blue eyes, red glasses, and narrow eyebrows that are barely noticeable behind her glasses. She worked here when Liam went to high school.

"Hi Ms. Boon, I just need some Tylenol. I bruised my ribs over the weekend and they're hurting a little bit." More like if I don't take some now, I might pass out from the pain.

"Sure, sweetheart, come on in, I'll write you a late slip for your teacher." She opens the door wider and lets me in as she walks to a small filing cabinet. I notice some wipes on her counter and grab some. Making sure she's still looking in the filing cabinet, I quickly wipe my hands and stuff the bloody wipes in the pocket of my sweats.

"What happened?" She turns to me as she asks her question.

"What do you mean?" I question.

"How did you hurt your ribs?" she looks up at me as she writes on a little piece of yellow paper.

"Oh. Um, skating accident. I was trying out a new trick, but ended up falling." I quickly come up with a lie. She nods her head as she opens the cupboard to pull out the bottle of pills. She turns around and hands me both things.

Looking at the clock behind me she says," You need to get to class, if your ribs hurt anymore today just come back to see me." I thank her before leaving the room. The halls are eerily quiet as I walk to my first-period class. Even the gym is quiet as I walk by the doors. Weird. Shaking my head I continue to my class, opening the door I notice the lights are off and the classroom is cleared of everyone. Everyone's backpack sits on the floor but no one is here.

I walk next door and ask Ms. Grey where the class is at. When she tells me where they are, I remember Mr. Hitch told us last week that the class would be outside for a new project we were starting.

I quickly make my way to the football field to the rest of my class. Turning around the corner, I bump into someone's chest, I wince as I fall back on my hands.

"Sorry," I mutter to the person. I hold my wrist in my right hand rubbing the stinging sensation away. God, that fucking hurt.

"What happened?" A deep voice asks. I look up and am met with the most beautiful blue-green eyes. My breathing stops as I look at one of the reasons no one noticed me when I came in today.

"W-what do you mean?" I stutter. The boy points to my stomach area, looking down I see that my sweater has ridden up and the bruises and cuts on my stomach are now visible. I quickly fix my sweater and stand up. A small wince leaves my lips as I stand up too quickly.

"Skateboard accident." I fix my backpack on my shoulders and move away to leave. The boy steps so he's in front of me again. He looks into my eyes searching for something.

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