Chapter 2

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[Who would have thought that a small saunter under the pouring rain would change the direction of my life?]

It was freezing that my fingers that were slightly aching and cold went numb. I had been out here for quite a while now but I decided to stay much longer under the rain. My cloak is wet but I paid no little attention to it. It’s like a bitter love. I’m hurting under the cold atmosphere but I’m loving it.

I was about to drift off to an uncomfortable sleep when I heard a few sobs. It was barely noticeable at first but I paid more attention to it, making it more louder than before.

It was unmistakably the sound of a boy’s cry. A shiver ran down my spine but, why would I be afraid if I am the monster one here?

I followed to where the sound was coming from and when I tracked the owner of the voice, I stopped dead in my tracks.

[I remember the first time I saw him. His golden hair, his oddly beautiful blue eyes, and his worried expression.]

“Who are you?” I asked, my voice slightly faltering because of the cold.

He snapped his head towards me and I took an involuntary step back. His eyes showed confusion mixed with fear at first but it slowly changed into relief.

“You’re from my school!” He shouted with glee while running towards me, his wet golden hair swaying to and fro. “I’m glad to see you!”

I gaped at him in confusion and I step a couple of steps back, horrified. What kind of sorcery is this? Isn’t he afraid of me?

“What’s the matter?” He asks as reaches for my numb hand.

“What are you doing here at this time?” I asked.

The corner of his eyes watered and I watch as tears mixed with rain fell from his face. “I got lost, I can’t find my way back.”

Hesitating, I escorted him back to our magical school with him trailing behind me like a lost puppy. He kept on clinging to me that for one moment, I thought my cloak would tear apart.

“A-aren’t you afraid?” He suddenly asks while we duck our heads to avoid the thick branches awaiting for us.

“Afraid of what?” I shot back.

He kept silent for a moment and I nearly tripped when he held my hand.

“H-hey!” I protested, bright red dusted over my cheeks.

“You are really brave…” He whispered as his gripped on me tightens. I look down to our linked hands and I suddenly became terrified.

I jerk my head at the back to meet him and my heart slowly raised.

[He held my hand but the curse didn’t affect him, he didn’t collapsed nor die. I was baffled yet amused at my finding.]

The strange boy and I held hands until we reached the gate of the university. As much as I wanted to stay this way and feel his warmth, I broke free.

“Thank you…” He said softly with a wonderful smile that I would never forget etched on his face.

I nodded my head in response and watch as he slowly walks towards the entrance. I could feel a small smile forming on my lips and I shook my head while laughing.

What is magic for if you are not going to use it? With a soft snap, a green aura emitted my whole body and I teleported back inside my room. 

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