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Adrenaline rush into Youngjae's body, his heart race quickly in anticipation, the thoughts from his mind vanished as if Juyeon had mind washing him by just one touch. Hyunjun gave a little smirk and wink at his best friend before bolting out.

He nodded his head, sitting beside the guy, hand were still gripping on his wrist like he doesn't want him to go away. The black hair guy started by asking if he wanted something to drink as the latter replied that he's fine with anything.

"Oh wait. I'll just grab it for both of us. You're still hurt, so just stay here and relax" he hold him from standing up and went towards the kitchen.

He grab one of Juyeon's favorite mug and a normal one for him, putting a peach tea bag inside it before giving warm water. Once he finished, he splashed his face with tap water, nervous as hell. This is the first time after the incident that they're gonna talk things, alone and awkward.

Then, he sinks to the floor, hiding his red face in his palms as he shook several times. Everything just made him too excited and he couldn't tamed the fast beating of his heart.

He inhale and exhaled deeply before bringing the drinks to where Juyeon was, who was sitting silently, staring at a distance and he seems really sad. The younger handed him the drink as he thanked and hold the warm mug in his palms.

"Youngjae, I'm sorry" he apologizes quietly, guilt plastered all over his face.

"Why are you apologizing?" The younger asked in confusion while maintaining the soft tone of his voice.

"For everything. I know I've hurt you and just cut us off like that" he explained, gazing at the person, eyes tells how ashamed and frustrated he was. Not because of Youngjae. But himself.

The younger shook his head, placing his hand on the older's thigh. His smile was gentle and comforting as he spoke, "I'm sorry for being so obvious and being that disgust--"

"No.. it's not your fault. I know you were different. but i just-- i just couldn't help but compare the both of you. I-i was only protecting myself, i was a-afraid what might happen, yet i did terrible things to you" his voice cracked and shaky, his body trembled so much.

Youngjae put the mug aside and pulled him into a tight hug. He never seen him having a mental breakdown. It was a new sight of him and it's painful to see. Whatever that gives darkness to his heart, he wanna shine it brightly, removing all of it.

Juyeon hugged back, burying his face on the crook of the boy's neck. The warmth calms down his mind and everything that he was feeling.

"That guy before...

... He's my first ex" he finally told the truth, resulting them to part ways as Youngjae looked at him in disbelief.


It was the last year of high school, Juyeon came into the class as people greet him like everyday. He sat on the usual, taking out his notebook to sketch a cute dog that he seen that morning. Next to him was empty, not because no one want to sit beside him, it's because he loves being alone and most of the students in the class already had their pair. Juyeon was kinda famous too for his handsome look and all the girls would confess from time to time. But he reject it all.

Sometimes Hyunjae would come to his class on break time to talk about things or they might just went to the school's garden since Juyeon loves it there with how peaceful it was.

Then one day, a boy who has the same height with Juyeon, transferred into the school. He was assigned to sit beside Juyeon and they introduced themselves with each other.

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