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Maya's POV
...Slytherin? Did the sorting hat just say Slytherin?

I look at the Gryffindor table to see my brother staring back at me with fear in his eyes. I look to the teachers at the front of the room who are terrified, shocked and worried.

I make my way to the Slytherin table and sit down beside a girl who is also in my year.

Harry and I were both told that all wizards in Slytherin were bad and usually dangerous... that's one of the first things we learned when we walked into this new world and now I am one of them?

What will Harry think of me...?

"Miss Potter." I hear a voice calling, snapping me from day dreaming of a horrible memory.

I look up and see in professor Snape staring down at me looking rather annoyed. It's the first day back at school after the summer. I'm starting my 6th year at Hogwarts, but every first day I always remember the first year. Getting sorted into Slytherin was unexpected and it definitely changed me...

"Pay attention, don't make me give you detention on the first day of classes." Professor Snape says as he turns back to the chalk board.

I feel Theo nudge me but I just roll my eyes. Don't day dream in Snape's class. You'd think I'd know that from all of the detentions I've gotten over the years from him. Even though I'm in Slytherin, I'm not his favourite student and I think it's because I'm a Potter.

A lot of people don't like me because of my last name. Especially people in Slytherin.

My brother is the golden boy, the one who's always saving the day and I'm guessing people think it's only a matter of time before I join him. It's the 6th year and I haven't yet, but for some reason they still think that.

I only really have one friend, one true friend. He has friends and I hangout with his them but they don't like me. Mostly they make fun of me or ignore me completely. I put up with it because part of me believes I deserve it. I still hate myself for getting put in Slytherin. How is it that my brother gets to be in Gryffindor and I get put in Slytherin?

Don't get me wrong, I love Slytherin. I think the house is strong and the people are- well some of the people are great. It's just my only family, and everyone he loves hates Slytherin. The first thing we were told when we entered the Wizarding World is that Slytherin is bad news.

Theo is my only friend. It's kind of funny to think that Theo's my only real friend because in the first year we hated each other. He was so rude to me because of who I was, and because he's friends with Draco Malfoy, who is also mean to me.

In the first year I was best friends with Pansy Parkinson until she ditched me and joined Malfoy and his clan. She would do anything for just a little attention from Malfoy, it's disgusting.

One day, Theo noticed me sitting alone at the table and sat down beside me. I remember waiting for the comments and insults but he didn't say anything. He just sat down and started eating his lunch beside me, we barely spoke. At dinner, he came and sat beside me again. From that day on, we have been inseparable.

In the fifth year, Theo asked me out on a date and I said yes. He took me out on a beautiful date, it was during the winter so the snow made the scene perfect. We walked around after our date, talking about all kinds of things. It felt weird though. It felt forced. I was trying to be more interesting and he was trying to be polite. He kissed me at the end of the night and that's when we both knew it wasn't right. The kiss felt awkward. We decided that the best thing for us to do is go back to friends, and we did that effortlessly. Being friends was easy, it felt right.

"Detention, Potter." Snape says angrily as he slams a book on my desk.

Fuck. Only the first day back and I already have detention with Snape.

"After all of your classes, come back here." He says and I nod.

Not my first time getting detention with Snape. I know what to do.

"Ah, Mr. Malfoy. Finally joining us are you?" Professor Snape says as he turns his attention to Malfoy without leaving my desk.

Snape smirks.

"You can join Potter over here in detention after your classes."


I turn to Theo and he's trying to hide his laughter.

"You too, Mr. Nott?"

"No thank you." Theo says and smirks at me.

"Then shut up." Professor Snape says as he heads to the front of the class.

Malfoy makes his way to his seat, rather loudly, and throws himself down on the chair.

"Pay attention Maya. Otherwise you'll be stuck in detention with Malfoy all year." Theo jokes.

"No fucking thank you." I say and roll my eyes and turn to focus on whatever Snape is talking about but it was useless. I have detention with Malfoy tonight and I'm not looking forward to that. He's such an asshole.

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