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I was the first pull away. I push Malfoy off of me and just stare at him blankly. He's studying my face, I'm guessing he's trying to figure out what I'm going to do or say next.

A few moments pass without me or him doing or saying anything. We're just staring at each other blankly.

"What the fuck was that?" I snap, breaking the silence. He doesn't answer but he smirks.

"You can't do that." I continue.

"You kissed back." He says finally, still smirking.

"Fuck you." I snap.

"We can do that next if you want."

"No thank you." I snap.

"You say that now." He says and walks away.

What the fuck?

I follow him.

"Where the fuck do you think you're going?"

"Away from you."

"You can't just do that and then walk away." I snap.

"Yes I can and I am."

"MALFOY." I shout.

He turns around and comes right to me, wraps his hand around my throat and throws me against the wall, nearly winding me.

"I'm dangerous. I'm bad for you. You don't want to know me."

He lets go of my throat and I drop to the ground. I feel myself fighting to catch a breathe and tears coming out of my eyes. However, I don't move. My legs move up to my chest and I wrap my arms around my legs, pulling them even closer to my chest as he walks away.

I eventually get up and wipe my eyes. I don't need anyone seeing me cry right now. I don't need people knowing what just happened.. I start walking back to the common room, luckily no one was back from dinner so I was alone.

I go to the couch in the common room and sit down. The fire is on and I pull the blanket that sits on the back of the couch on myself. I hear the door open and voices of the Slytherins coming in. I don't sit up but Theo and Blaise find their way to the couch. Theo sits down on top of my stomach.

"Get off of me." I whine.

"Sit up and share the couch then." He grunts and stands up so I can move over. He then sits down beside me and looks me in the eyes... shit are my eyes still puffy..?

"What's wrong?" He asks as Blaise sits down in the chair beside me.

"Nothing..." I say, looking around the room trying to avoid eye contact.

"Maya, don't lie to me." He snaps, moving closer to me and wrapping his arm around me.

"T, I don't want to talk about it." I say.

He looks at me with a sad expression but nods and hugs me.

"You're okay though?" Theo asks me.

"Yeah I'm fine." I say.

"Where's Malfoy?" Blaise asks Theo and Theo shrugs. The door opens and in comes Malfoy.

"On cue." Theo jokes as Malfoy makes his way over to us.

"Did you hear your name being called and come running?" Blaise jokes as Malfoy sits on a chair beside Blaise. He scrunches his face and shoots a weird look to me before answering Blaise.

"Why were you three talking about me...?"

"I just asked where you were." Blaise says, "and in you came."

"Mm." He says and looks at me again.

Theo takes the blanket, moving closer to me again and lays his head on my shoulder and throws the blanket over the both of us. Blaise shoots us a weird look and Malfoy does too.

"Do you guys need us to leave?" Blaise jokes.

"Fuck off, Blaise. You were fucking here when I asked her if she's okay." Theo snaps, "you fucking know."

"Oh, right." Blaise says and looks away awkwardly.

"I wasn't here." Malfoy says.

"Something happened. She won't tell us but it looks like she's been crying."

Malfoy shoots me another weird glance, his eyes didn't seem as harsh as they usually were when he glanced at me. He normally looks at me with harsh eyes, but right now they almost seem apologetic.

"I'm fine, T." I say.

"Mhm sure." Theo shakes his head.

Malfoy gets up and motions for me to go with him as he stands up and walks out of the common room. He didn't even try and hide it from the others...

"That doesn't look good." Theo says as I stand up to go follow him.

"Wish me luck..." I say as I get to the door.

"Good luck." Theo and Blaise say.

I open the door and step out. The second I do, Malfoy grabs my arm and starts pulling me down the hallway.

"Malfoy.. what the fuck are you doing..?" I ask but he didn't answer.

"Where are we going?" I ask again but was met with no response again.

We stop at a wall and he paces back and forth for a moment. I stand back and watch him curiously but I was surprised when the wall turns into a door. Malfoy grabs my arm again and pulls me inside the room.

"Malfoy what the fuck is happening?" I ask again when he finally let's go of my arm and starts pacing around again.

"Malfoy, answer me holy shit." I say.

He snaps his head in my direction and then slowly moves back over to me.

"Were you going to tell them?" He asks bluntly.


"I told you I'm not someone you want to know. You don't want me in your life."

"You're in my life already dumb ass."

"Potter, you are stubborn." He grunts as he comes closer.

"Where are we?" I ask him.

He eyes locked on mine he says, "the room of requirements."

I scrunch up my face and shrug my shoulders.

"Why is it so important for you to know me?" Malfoy asks as he comes closer to me.

"I don't know." I say. "Why don't you want to know me."

"Because you- I don't need a reason, Potter."

"Yes you do-"

I was interrupted by him pressing his lips to mine as his arms snakes around my waste and pulls me closer. Without even thinking twice, I kiss back and wrap my arms around his neck, running my fingers through his hair. Why does he act as if he doesn't want to know me and then kiss me? What is going on with him?

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