twenty four

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"So I heard that you have a little thing with Draco Malfoy." Voldemort hisses as he walks around to stand in front of me. I'm still frozen in place with fear.

"One of your mutual friends have shared some concerns about you distracting Malfoy from his task." He continues.

Mutual friend...

"As you know, I can't have him distracted because of some girl who is not on our side."

What mutual friend...?

"But if you really love him and he really loves you, I might give you my blessing."

I look up to him for the first time and he smirks.

"Does that sound good to you?" He asks. I nod

"You will have to do a small thing for me of course." He continues.

"W-what?" I mumble. 

"All you have to do is get the dark mark. Join my side. That's it."

"No!" I say. "I can't do that. I won't- you killed my parents!"

"Ah yes. You are Lily and James Potter's daughter." He pauses and looks away. "The one that they hid. The one I didn't find."

He turns back around and faces me, putting one of his hands on my face. I flinch.

"But I will forget everything if you join my side."

"I- I can't. I won't."

He removes his hand and shakes his head.

"I tried to play nice, Potter." He says as she shakes his head. "But I guess I'll give you one last chance."

He pauses and lifts my chin up so I'm looking at him. His dark and scary eyes glaring into mine. My hands are shaking with fear as he keeps getting in my face.

"You can either join my side willingly and get the mark or I will have Draco kill you, watch you die and then I'll kill him." He says with a smirk. My heart dropped. He'll kill Draco..? After making him kill me? I can't get that fucking mark... but I don't want Draco to get hurt. What the fuck...?

"I'm not getting that mark. I don't care if you kill me. Leave Draco alone. It has nothing to do with him." I spat.

He smirks.

"Wrong choice."

He runs over to me violently. I flinch and try to back away from his as fast as I can but he grabs my arm. His hand gripping my arm as he rolls up my sleeve, eyes glued to mine. I try and pull away my arm but his grip gets tighter. He pulls out his wand and forces it on my arm. A burning feeling started on my arm as black ink starts forming. I begin screaming from the pain hoping that someone might hear me but no one  comes to save me. Voldemort was laughing as I scream and fight against his wand. The tattoo formed on my arm, the wand dropped from my wrist and Voldemort disappeared. The pain however, didn't stop. I felt tears streaming down my face as I sit down against a tree and pull my legs up to my chest. My breathing is so heavy and I can't catch my breathe.

What will Draco think when he finds out...? Will he believe my story that I didn't get it by choice?

How will Harry react when or if he finds out?

What will the teachers say if they know...? Can I get kicked out of school if someone knows?

I continue to lay down on against the tree and continue to cry for about an hour before getting up and wiping the tears away.

I can't tell anyone about this. I can't tell anyone about what happened. Not Theo. Not even Draco. I head back inside the school to go back to my dorm. All I want to do is sleep tonight. I just want to go to bed and sleep and not speak to anyone. After tonight... I'm not sure what I'm going to do. The hallways were empty and lonely, outside was dark.

"Maya?" I hear a voice call out from behind me and I already know it's Draco.. I turn around awkwardly and avoid meeting his eyes.

"What are you doing out here love?" He asks as he tries to come close to me but I back away.

"I just went for a walk and now I'm going back to my room." I say emotionless.

"Are you okay?" He asks.


"Yeah I'm fine. I'm just tired." I say.

"Okay... can I walk you back to your room?" He asks.

I nod and start walking. I hear him follow me and catch up to me a few seconds later.

"Do you need me to stay...?" He asks. I'm guessing he can sense somethings up.

"No. I just want to be alone tonight."

"Okay." He says as he slowly moves towards me and gives me a gentle kiss on my forehead.

"I'll see you tomorrow for breakfast?" He asks.

"Yes." I say and nod.

"Okay... we'll talk tomorrow then?"


"Okay. Good night Maya." He whispers and heads out of the common room again. I'm guessing back to the room of requirements. I open the door to find Pansy not here again. That's why he's not going to his room. Pansy is in his still.

I lay down in bed without even bothering to change or get under the blankets. The tears stream down my eyes as soon as I was left alone. I roll up my sleeve and stare down at the ugly dark mark.

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