thirty three

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After my last class I went straight to my dorm because Draco will be coming to get me soon. I'm not sure what to wear to something like this.. his parents are very old school and even though he seems to think they'll approve of me, I have a feeling that they won't.

Pansy rushes to our room after class thankfully, and helps me chose something casual but nice. Draco said to wear something casual. Pansy being very fashionable and being Draco's ex girlfriend, would be a big help. She knows the Malfoy's and she knows what to expect.

"Just be polite. Call his father Mr. Malfoy and don't raise your voice, even if he says something that pisses you off. Trust me when I say he's not someone you want to mess with." Pansy explains as fast as she can because we don't have a whole lot of time.

"Okay... what's Narcissa like?" I ask as I get into the dress that Pansy picked out. It was a summer dress that was lose and not too long but not too short either.

"I don't really know. She and I were never close. She's polite though." Pansy trails off. "All I really know about her is that she's very protective of Draco."

"Oh." I say. Protective of her only son. Her only son dating a Potter... Someone her dark lord hates. How could this go wrong?

"And Maya..." Pansy says, snapping me out of my thoughts. "If they do say that Draco can't be with you, don't say anything. Let Draco handle it. Trust me."

I nod.

So basically, just show up and only speak when spoken to.. that shouldn't be that hard...

Not long after that, there were two knocks at the door and then it opened swiftly. Draco looks over at me and his eyes linger.

"I-is this okay?" I ask, suddenly feeling very self conscious because he hasn't looked away once.

"It's perfect." He says as he reaches for my hand. "You ready?"

"I guess."

Draco nods to Pansy and I'm guessing that's to say thanks for helping and she smiles at him. I give her one more pleading look to see if she has a way for me to get out of this but she just smiles at me too. Great, no help from her. Blaise and Theo were waiting in the common room to say bye and good luck before we leave, which did not help with the nerves.

"You'll be fine." Theo whispers in my ear as he gives me a hug. "But send your patronus if you need help." he jokes.

"Not helping, Nott." I say as I smack his arm.

Draco takes my hand and guides us to the fire. He takes the floo and says "Malfoy Manner" very clear.

The second we entered the manner, his whole posture changed. He was tense and very alert. He was holding my hand tightly and keeping me very close to him.

"Mother?" He calls out and breaks the silence that the house was in. His house was very big, like Theo's house but much darker.

"Draco? You're here! I missed you." She says as she rushes to him and wraps her arm around him.

"Mother-" Draco says but gave in and hugged her back.

"Oh-" Narcissa says as she notices me, "You must be Maya?" 

I nod.

"It's very nice to meet you." She says as she takes my hands and smiles at me. "I'm not sure why my husband called this dinner but it's very nice to meet you regardless."

"It's nice to meet you too, Mrs. Malfoy." I say and smile at the women. She seems very nice actually.

"Oh please, call me Narcissa." She says. I nod and turn my attention to Draco who's watching intently. I notice a slight smile but that smile fades the second his father enters the room.

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