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"Aanav," I shouted.

"What happened?" He came into the room wearing an apron over his shirt and a spoon in his hand.

"My stomach serves as a table," I said pointing to my belly which had a plate of fruits on it.

"I don't think you can eat what I am cooking seeing that you are eating for the last 15 minutes," he said.

"You don't worry about that," I said and took a bit of the banana.

I hope you got the idea of what happened to me. Yep, I'm pregnant. It has been only 4 months and my belly has grown like a 9-month pregnant woman. Zara is also pregnant.

After two days of Aanav's proposal, we had our wedding ceremony along with Zara and Aakav's. Ivy was Zara's maid of honour and Laura was mine. Enzo was Aakav's best man while Saad was Aanav's best man. He wanted Wyatt to be his best man but the idiot was busy stuffing his mouth with food.

The first month of Aanav coming out of the coma was hell for him as it was difficult for him to communicate with his wolf because of some wolfsbane present in his system.

I frequently had mood swings during the second and third months of my pregnancy.  For example, During my second month, I had broken a vase, by mistake. I started crying seeing the vase broken. When Aanav saw me crying he asked me what happened. I told him to go away. He started to go away but I threw a dining chair at him because he didn't comfort me. The chair missed him by an inch.

"Food is ready," Aanav said coming into the room and carried me to the sofa. I sat on the sofa after switching on the T.V. and put one cushion at my back, two beside me, one under my feet and another on my lap. He came out of the kitchen with steak and a special sauce.

"Come fast," I ordered seeing the pace at which he was coming.

"You are acting that you haven't eaten for two days," he said putting the plate on the cushion which was on my lap.

"I ate two minutes ago and this one is hungry," I said pointing towards my belly. We didn't try to find the gender of the baby. We wanted it to be a surprise. We have already thought a name for him/her.

If it's a boy, he will name him and if it's a girl, I will name her. I know that it will be a girl. Call it motherly instincts.

When I was about to put the last bite in my mouth, I felt my water broke.

"Aanav, " I said calmly. He hummed in response.

"I think my water broke," I said.

"It's okay. I'll fix it," he said still watching the T.V. I didn't feel any pain for which I was glad instead I feel anger at him. I mean, My water broke and you are saying that you will fix it.

"Aanav my water broke," I shouted this time.

"So?" He asked calmly and not a second later he looked at me with wide eyes. "What should I do? I have to inform Aakav. You wait here, I'm going to inform him," he said and stood up. I threw my fork at him. It hit his arms.

"First of all, take me to the hospital and second, you can inform Aakav through the mind- link," I said. I clutched my belly when I felt pain. He carried me and was about to go when I stopped him. He looked at me worriedly.

"Put me down," I ordered. He did so. I put the last bite in my mouth and told him to carry me. He carried me again and took me to the hospital.

At 5:37 p.m. I gave birth to my child. It was a girl. At exactly 5:45 I got to hold my child for the first time. I looked at Aanav and he was looking at the child in awe. Soon Aakav, Ivy and Wyatt came in.

"Where is Zara?" I asked.

"She gave birth to a boy," Aakav said.

"Congrats," Aanav and I said at the same time.

"But I wish she could be here," I said and lowered my head, feeling sad. Zara, Ivy and I had promised to be there when any one of us will give birth.

"Hey!" I heard Zara's voice. I looked up and saw Ivy holding a phone and Zara on video Call. She showed me her child and Ivy showed her mine.

"What are you naming her?" Wyatt asked taking her from me. He passed her to Ivy, who in turn passes it to Aakav, who in turn, passed her to Wyatt. I looked at everyone present in the room and then at my baby.

"I will name her," I paused and looked at Aanav and Aakav. "Aadhira Zata Murray." I saw tears in both Aakav and Aanav's eyes.

"Are you sure?" Aanav asked letting the tears free. I nodded. I looked at Aakav and he was rubbing his eyes.

"I will be your best uncle, Aadhira," Wyatt said stretching the word best. Aakav took her from him.

"No, I will be your best uncle, Aadh," Aakav said and exactly at the moment, Aadhira started crying.

"I'm her best uncle not you," Wyatt said and everyone started laughing except for Aakav. He handed Aadhira to me.

"I think she is hungry," a nurse said who was present there from the beginning.

After everyone went out, I feed Aadhira.

When she had fallen asleep, the nurse put her to the crib beside my bed and went out. Shortly afterwards Aakav came in and sat on the chair beside my bed. He took my hand in his.

"Thank you. Thank you, Willa, for naming her after my sister," he said, his eyes glistening with tears.

"You know you are the only one whom I consider as my sister after Aadhira. When I saw you in the wood and the wolf in front of you, I thought that you were Aadhira. And your stubbornness, the way you fight with me made me remember Aadhira and you naming her Aadhira, is like, I can't explain it in words. I'm so happy," he said. I was crying hearing him talking like that.

"You made me cry, you cunning wolf," I said and rubbed my tears.

"I should go," he said when Aanav entered the room.

"Bye NB Square," Aakav said and went out. I laughed at the nickname.

"Where is my gift?" I asked as soon as Aakav went out. He sat beside me on the bed and said," What gift can I give to the gift of my life?"

"So cheesy," I said and we started to lean in. Just when our lips were about to meet Aadhira started crying.

"Wrong time Princess," he said and picked her up from the crib. He put her in my arms.

"Weren't Aakav and Zara enough that you joined them?" He asked Aadhira who was admiring my ring given by Aanav.


It's time to take adieu from Willa and Aanav along with Aakav and Zara.

Thanks to all my readers who endured my grammatical and sleeping mistakes.

This is the last chapter unless you want a bonus chapter 😉. If you want a bonus chapter then do comment.

I will return soon with a new book. Till then Goodbye 👋. Stay safe and healthy.

With regards,
Puchki Roy  8622

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