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name it all, Jeong Atzie has it. Everything was perfect, until that phone call she received that night.

2 years later

The sun shone as brightest as ever it did at Yongsan High, however there was no denying that there's an invisible black cloud above the sleep deprived girl.

Jeong Atzie swung her arms as she walked through the halls of Yongsan High. It was almost her little brother's lunch time, she arrived in front of his room just in time for the bell to ring and the door to swiftly swing open.

"Ah! My sister is so sweet she always brings me good lunch" Taeyong cooed which caused her to roll her eyes and shove the lunch box in his arms before she could leave Taeyong wrapped and arm around her shoulders "Oh c'mon don't be like that, eat this lunch with me, I know you haven't ate yet"

Lee Taeyong is one of her brothers from her dad. Taeyong works as a coach during the day and a part time artist at night. She doesn't really know what he does at night but she trusts him enough that it isn't something illegal. The siblings sat opposite from each other outside the garden and Taeyong began putting out all of the dishes.

The girl was not in the best mood considering her lack of sleep, bags evident under her eyes "You should stop poking your food and start eating, it's not good for you especially that you overwork yourself" Taeyong said noticing his sister's state. Too tired to reply she just nodded and ate. Taeyong watched her, he understood why she became such a different person. He saw how she blamed herself after that incident, next was her parent's divorce and recently her mom passed away.

"Atzie, do you want to come live with me?"

Her eyes shot up to Taeyong's. He was dead serious. It's not that she didn't want to, but because where Taeyong is staying at has been rumored to have a lot of dark secrets and unsolved mystery in contrast to it's appearance. And not to mention he's living with almost a classroom full of boys she's completely unknown to.

"I'd be able to take care of you and it'd be nice to have a family member around" Taeyong reached for her hand and squeezed it across the table. "Please?"

She knows exactly how he feels through his eyes. They both yearned for familial love. And she's glad that he deeply cares for her as much as she does.

She can't help but smile a little at him, completely shocking him yet returning the widest smile ever.


little did she know she took a step close to meet satan.

- unedited -

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2020 ⏰

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