Chapter 19

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I stared at the bodies on the ground, watch them take their last breath and satisfaction course through my sadist blood. I sighed.
When have I become this cruel!  If these people are a shitty excuse to be a human and deserve worse then I deserve worst.
“The information was misleading” the person beside me panted while looking for any severe injuries on his body and boy do I hate delinquency. I grabbed his collar yanking him towards “You fucking think?”
“I’m…. We’re sorry Sir.”
“Get the fuck out of my face” throwing the rod far away I marched outside the house and entered the car.
“Fucking failures! It’s the seventh or maybe tenth raid I’ve done” I bang my head on the steering out of frustration. My Sophia! I’m sorry. Oh, god! I’m so sorry.

“Take some rest. We’ll find her sooner or later.” Danyal murmured, leaning against the door frame
“I don’t do rest.” sweat fall down my body and I kick the punching bag with more force.
“Have some patience.” He suggested and for the first time I look his direction just to show him he’s annoying “Put that bullshit right back into your pocket” I seethed
“Don’t overdo yourself. The bruises are still not healed.”
“I want some time alone.” I tried dismissing him
“You think I would leave you alone! Like this! Full of blood and frustration! And when your mind has the freaking ability to be demented!”
“I need it.”
“You need to stop Zaviyar.”
“How’s she doing?” I shift the topic of discussion
“You know who.”
“She has seen better days.” I nodded. I miss her.
“Just end this and go to her. She’s been waiting for you.” He added.
“Not yet.”
“Why not!” I can feel the desperation in his voice “Don’t repeat my mistake.”
“I can’t show myself near her, knowing some bastards are after her and I don’t want her to see me kill them right there.” Frustration is a small word I’m feeling.
“She won’t judge…”
“I can’t normalize this. Can’t you freaking understand!”
“You wear death like perfume which she’s familiar with.” He snickered “I left my wife to protect her but those bastards…” he holds the collar of my tee shirt and yank me towards him, “…those sick people killed her right in front of me and I regret my whole existence” his fist landed on my already bruised face making me fall back “Do not fuck the only good thing you have in life.”
The ringing of my phone bought this little commotion to an end but I know better he won’t let me pass this.
“I know where our Sophia is.” I heard his faint whisper. My heart quickens.
“Baba! Don’t. Your phone is being tapped.”
“You know where to find me.”
“Just stay safe. I can’t lose you too.”
“Come soon.” With that, he ended the call. I'm going to have my sister, finally!
“Tell the men to guard baba and get a plane ready. 10 minutes sharp.”
“On it, sir.”  He left the gym and I smiled, how come I get the best people!

“We are three hours away from our destination. You think he would be fine on his own?” Abraham asked his concern out
“Our men are around”
“Twelve against what! A freaking army!” Ali added, prevailing my worry.
“Let's just hope for the best.”
“Hope!” they both voiced and passed a weird look my way. It was more of a disbelieving statement than a question.
“Yeah! There’s a girl who added this word in my vocabulary.” I smiled
“She’s smart. Mustafa’s in jail. But…”
“But what!”
“She quitted. It was not a job but her reason to live!”
“She has! Now!” I asked
“This must be her last case.” Ali answered.
“Keep an eye on her for me” he nodded “Will do sir.”
That's good for us if the bastard is locked up. Baba would be fine then, that I can hope for!

“I’ll go first. Stay back and wait for my signal. It's not a raid, keep that in mind.”
“Yes sir” they all shouted.

I knocked on the door of a house that was once a home for us. Where we both came for protection and a man provide us with love as a bonus for what! I have no idea.
“Baba!” I called for him but got no reply “Baba! It's me, your pumpkin.” Oh god how much I hate nicknames. I waited for his laugh to echo but nothing came.
I turned the nob to see it’s not locked. “Don’t scare me like that Baba!” I shouted with all my might. Entering, I look for him in the kitchen, lounge, bathrooms, upstairs but got nothing.
With trembling hands, I opened the room, my room. “Please be safe baba.” But I regret opening it. A tear escaped my eyes and I shut my eyes as soon as I saw what awaited me.
“Prepare for a funeral.” I instructed through the earpiece
I felt aching pain besides the physical pain I am in. I strolled toward the lifeless body and held him in my arms “Baba!” I cried out loud
“You said you’ll be here always. Come back.” I shook him and stared at the face I remembered being of my father. Tracing his eyes and cleaning the tears from his face I enclose his eyes, for eternity.
“Fucking hope! A disgusting word.” Putting him down on the bed I tear off the sticky note from its crown with the initials, writing “Give my regards to the devil”
“You fucking coward. Wait for your death” I dialled his number which he answered rather sooner than I expected “Run as far as you can because once I got hold of you it would be hard remembering your existence”
“Stop people from doing your dirty work. If he would have kept his mouth shut he could have been alive.”
“Look who’s talking! How the hell they provide a phone in jail!”
“Oh, you know your lover can be quite persuasive but I have my ways.”
“I’m glad you had a hard time dealing with her.”
“She’ll pay for that.”
“Death will come soon and hell will welcome you. Start counting your days.”  There’s a knock on the door and I ended the call. Sighing I look down, trying to keep the tears at bay.

“We are here to collect the body.” Ali whispered and I nodded. They came in and once again peek my way for approval. I sighed, letting the tears fall out. Nevertheless, motion them to do the job.
“Send me the location and inform Ryan.”
“You are not coming” he questioned and I shake my head “I’ll be here. Take good care of him for one last time.”
“I will.” With that, he left, closing the door behind him. I collapse on the bed filled with the blood of my father while tears ran down without a care.

“Pain makes a man weak” I said “No, Zaviyar. It makes you human.” he replied.
“Yes, my pumpkin!”
“Ugh! I hate this word.” His laugh echoed throughout the room and I smiled “You won’t leave me, right?” I hoped for a positive answer.
“I’m here for you my son, always.” Running his hand through my thick black locks “Now sleep so the pain can go away and do visit the clinic.”
“I’m fine.” I snickered and he smiled “No, you are not.”
“I’m trying to be fine.” I reasoned. “Don’t try. Let it consume you for it to not affect you after.”
“I can’t let it come my way. Not now. There’s so much to do and Ryan needs me.”
“He’s a grown-up.” He left my side and leave, before adding “You both have me, always.” And I smiled.

I did what I could to protect my people while trying to not bleed myself but its freaking not enough. I sighed checking the time. Its been four hours of me sitting here with my only companion, silence.
The moon rose high above the sky and the silence of the cemetery chilled my bones. I trace my fingers over the accent mark of his grave “Mohammad Khan” 
“I’m sorry for killing your wife. I’m sorry.” I beg and cried, sitting beside his grave “Why you never for once blamed me! why? I sobbed harder, my body shudder with grief and throb with regret. “Why you forgive me that easily!”
“Come out old man, I want answers.” I shouted and kicked the roses out of his grave. “This is no joke. Get the fuck up. I need you.” I squirmed
“They make me kill your wife. She was the first one in the list of my victims." I paused. I remember you asking me about her last moments. But baba how could I possibly tell you the death details of a mother figure I was compelled to kill!
"She smiled at me “It’s not your fault son.” I heard her utter these last words and from that day on, my life is never the same.” I whispered “But you! You take me out of it. Out of the dark, at least you tried. But look! Where it led you!”
“I’m sorry baba” I whispered again, hoping for him to listen. There’s that word again “Hope” and I visibly flinched.
“You didn’t deserve this.” I look around the three other graves accompanying his, beneath the only oak tree. How nice of me to visit my family, with an addition every freaking time!
I’m the victim of a fate worse than death and I sat there, alone, drowned in my sorrow and this moment, I want nothing but her. I leave with a final note of avenging all of it once again, going back right at a place from where I took off. But this time I’ll show no mercy. This time my life ended not with a scream but with utter silence consuming me into nothing but hell.

Caressing her face, I contemplated whether to leave or not. If her family see this then it won’t be a good impression. when did I ever worry about impressions! God, I’m whipped.
“Stop thinking. If you want to leave, just go!” here she goes sulking.
“I have work.”
“When you don’t?” she argued and man was she on point! “You have any idea how much you hurt me! I waited for you for almost a year.” Her fist landed on my chest but it’s she who winced causing a smile to appear on my face. “Wipe that smile out from your face” she exhorted which I took a little serious.
“Say it or leave.”
“I’m sorry” there I said those words and she smiled “You are not crying. That’s progress.”
“It’s because you are not worth my tears.” A tear slipped her eyes which I capture in my thumb.
“I’m safe. I’m here.” I tried to calm her shaking figure in my embrace. “From the very start, my demons warned me of the repercussions of falling in love. The monsters whispered it to me that I can never have my moon. That I'll lose the battle I fight with pure intensity as if fighting my last one. And now I know it’s my last battle. It’s my last chance to live which I don’t want to lose.”
“I’m here. I will always be here Zaviyar.” She whispered and I hoped it could turn out well. Because these two statements never settled well with me, vows and hope!
Authors note
It's short I know but I'll come up with a new one a little quick. Enjoy.

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