Don't Go

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For all the Magical power that she had gained over the last six months, Luz's abilities were still limited. She wasn't a Witch, biologically speaking, and while she had helped to break down the perceived barriers between Witches and Humans, and prove that the difference wasn't insurmountable, it did directly translate to a few things that affected her abilities. She hadn't had years to play around with her skills. She hadn't spent her entire life learning Magic in school. She didn't even cast spells in the same way that other Witches did. Getting her spells to do exactly what she wanted to do... It took time. It took practice. And sometimes, it took luck.

But she didn't feel very lucky. Not when she got up off the ground, and with a splitting headache.

As she got up, in spite of the overwhelmingly large temptation to just lay there and let whatever the cards of fate decided would happen to her happen, she was enveloped and surrounded by darkness, and a cold had come over her. The kind of cold that one only felt in the middle of the night when they discovered someone left a bathroom window wide open in the middle of winter, only about ten times more frigid and bone-reaching. The dark wasn't much better either. She couldn't even see her own hand in front of her face, and she felt deeply disoriented, and dizzy. Like she wasn't... Fully there. It was difficult to explain. And a little sick too. How she even wound up here slipped her memory.

For a genuine moment, she thought she had died.

"Owww..." She hissed, reaching around the back of her head, and feeling at a throbbing pain there. The cause of what it was, she had no idea. There was no blood, thankfully. And pain meant that she was still alive, so, some good news there at least.

Around her, she could hear the sounds of small rocks clattering against one another, and the sound of dust scattering against the ground as it landed in bunches and groups. There was also the sound of a gentle wind, but Luz couldn't feel any wind against her skin. It was like it was separate from her. Like she was hearing it from the other side of a window.

Where was she again? Thanks to the darkness, she couldn't tell, and her eyes weren't going to adjust to this for quite some time. If she only had... "...Oh, right! Light!" She said to herself, remembering that she did, in fact, have light.

Feeling against her jacket, Luz reached to its inside, and grabbed a Light Glyph from the pocket she had chosen specially for holding her signature spell. Fumbling around in the dark for a moment, she eventually managed to hold it in front of her, and tapped the paper, casting her spell, and illuminating the place. For a moment, it was like she had just woken up, and turned her phone on, full brightness, in the middle of the night - It blinded and stung her for a moment, and she closed her eyes, opening them again slowly and only part-way, to take stock of where she was.

Around her, she was in a sort of... The best way she could describe it was a cocoon. A combination of plants, brick, mortar, concrete and wood. The space was about seven meters wide in a full radius from the center, of which she was sat in the middle of. Thick and thin vines seemed to be what made up the structure of the cocoon, in that they were glue keeping it all together, and from falling on her head. It was similar to a support beam in that sense. Chunks of brick and mortar were all bunched together, the only reason they weren't falling in on themselves was due to the force that the vines applied against them from either side. Bits of dust and soot fell in through the small, tiny gaps that emitted no light, making Luz suspect that they had fallen down a series of paths before ending up in the hollow inside.

Memories flooded back into Luz's mind - She had been disoriented, so it took her awhile to get back up to speed, but she remembered now.

Getting to Blight Manor and finding Amity. The Cherubim swarm. The fire. Fighting alongside Amity to help her get her staff out. Amity getting hit by -

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