Episode 26

40 6 9

She slowly opened her eyes and her best friend infront of her with a worried face and then she felt warm palm on her cheek whensbe looked up it was her sister who was crying ,,when she saw her eonni is crying she screamed "eonni destroyed everything"

After hear that taehyung came closer to her and took her right hand than she look at him

"taehyung-ah they won't forgive me,, i messed up what should i do?"she cried

Taehyung hugged her and massaged her head

They both knew that yesterday was her wedding day, and they didn't expecting her in this situation

Taehyung was getting worried about his wife too ,delivery period was really close

"minha-ya look at me everything is fine dont worry I'm here Mina is here" he softly said

Mina weakly smiled

But minha shook her head "aani aani nothing is fine"she said

Taehyung sighed

Mina signalled him to keep quiet and he nodded
Then she patted her sister's head "my little minha-ya tell me what happened hmm?and what about your wedding? "she asked

Taehyung knew that something big has happened he was just ignoring the situation infront of his wife "yaaa! What do you mean what happened can't she come to her best friend and sister's house? You should go to bed and rest I'll ask her okay? "taehyung said

Mina shook her head "andwae i won't go anywhere else i won't leave my sister i know she's not fine"she said

Now this was the time he couldn't do anything,, he remain silent

Then mina placed her palm on her sister's cheek really delicatly "tell me what happened minha-ya! "she asked again

Mina was noticing that her sister's lips are trembling but she was waiting for her but after some moments minha tell them about what happened and what she did to her family and what Hyungsik did to her

After hear that both got silent this time minha was waitig for their response

But suddenly she grabbed Mina's hand and begged "eonni don't hate me jebal i don't anyone except you two jebal"she cried

Mina was crying and taehyung was controlling himself cause he knew that he needs to be strong in this situation for his best friend and for his wife

"aniyaaa what are you saying minha-ya Eonni can't hate you i know that you my minha is Like a little kid really pure who doesn't know anything about world eonni is with you and I'll be with you and everything with be find now it's pretty late you should sleep okay? We'll talk tomorrow! "she simply said and kissed on her Temple

And looked at taehyung who was in his own world,she grabbed his hand and weakly smiled and said "kaja" taehyung smiled back and left


She was sitting under a tree silently
"are you okay? " jimin said
She looked at him and nodded
Jimin smiled back

"I'm missing Abonim this house is empty without him"ji eun said

Jimin nodded

And they both remained silent

It was a complete silence under the tree
But suddenly jimin head light voices of sobes then looked at his left,, she was crying

"jin-eun-ssi jebal Don't cry"he said
After hear that she cried more harder
"nothing is fine!our family got destroyed ! Abonim didn't deserve this! "she cried

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