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"Wait so he's my new partner?" Toni crossed her arms, "no offense but I thought you were giving me a challenge sir."

"He is a challenge and will bring out the best in you Topaz" Her boss replied calmly.

"This is ridiculous" Toni muttered under her breath, "fine" she looked up at her new partner, a raven haired boy that was too tall for his own good. He looked down at her and smiled a little, "howdy partner" he said sticking out his hand.

"Don't touch me" she said sternly, pleading her boss for a moment alone. He nodded her partner away and turned to Toni.

"His name is Sweetpea!"

"Toni...just give him a chance alright?"

She rolled her eyes and looked askance, nodding her head. "Fine..." she said quietly as she made her way out.

"Oh and Topaz"

"Yes sir?"

"I'm sorry about Mr. Jones"

"Thank you sir" she nodded as she pushed out the door from her boss' office.

Sweetpea waited for her in the hallway, she bumped past him and made her way down the corridor. She looked in the hallways mirror as she past it, smiling smugly to herself as she looked at the proper attire. A navy blue blazer, with a plaid sweater underneath, black tie and matching black shoes and knee length socks, the same navy blue color skirt.

Sweetpea had the same attire but with pants instead.

"I'm sorry about your partner..." he said sympathetically. Toni paused and turned to him, "I didn't ask for your condolences" she sneered.

"It's just sad and tragic-"

She grabbed his tie and yanked him down to her level, "now listen here. I don't like you, I don't like a lot of people, I am not sad or upset and I don't need help, so drop it. Understand?"

He nodded and followed her into her office, she sat down at her desk and motioned him to sit in front of her. Toni was head in charge of section C, after her partner Jughead suffered a terrible death on one of their missions.

"All we do now," Toni started, repositioning a pencil on her desk, "is wait for an assignment"

"Well- while we wait...we should get to know each other better"

Toni snorted, "excuse me?"

"Like we could play a question game. I ask a question then you ask a question and we go back and forth"

"I don't have any questions for you"

He sighed, "just try" he smiled a little, "please"


He sat up straighter and folded his hands, "so where'd you grow up?"


He nodded his head, "lots of rain I presume?" She nodded in response.

"Um- whats your favorite color?" She threw her hands onto her lap in defeat.


They continued on as the questions hit deeper and more personal.

"Have you ever had a boyfriend?" He leaned forward in his chair. She rolled her eyes,

"I don't believe in such things"

"Oh cmon- you've never believed in soulmates or anything?"

"I've had no reason to"

"I bet I could make you fall in love with me"

𝐬𝐰𝗼𝐧𝐢 𝗼𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝗼𝐭𝐬 ; 𝗋𝗂𝗏𝖾𝗋𝖽𝖺𝗅𝖾Where stories live. Discover now