ghost & roach are dead but given a second chance they are brought to a different world pyra given s blade to roach & mythra gave his blade to ghost now a chance of a lifetime to save their world from malos tables have turned on him.
Me & the others watching 3 odd looking soldiers standing in front of the table blue object mythra calls core crystal.
Roach: what the bloody hell are they doing?
Nia: driver recruitment
rex: driver recruitment?
I looked at mythra in confusion she nodded
Nia: recently they been recruiting drivers from all over
Dromach: the pool of potentials is shrinking. They must ran out of candidates in the military
Ghost: interesting
Rex: i don't understand
Mythra: just watch kiddo
One of nia's kind stepped forward tension in the air changed i don't like where this is going, soft hand grabbed my left arm.
I glanced to mythra.
Mythra whispered: remain calm
Nia: yeah he's done for
He dropped dead pyra gasped in horror & buried her face to roach's neck he caressed her back calming her down, he look at me i had a shit eating grin but he can't see that.
Ghost: he couldn't handle its power
Mythra: you figured it out?
Ghost: well just by watching😁
Dromach: that's what happens when someone unqualified touches a core crystal
Roach: i guess to them desperate times desperate measures they don't give a fuck
Then someone steps in he tried it out then it didn't kill him he became a driver then a blade appears.
Ghost: i'll be marinated shit & baked. He did it😨😮
Roach: well ghost rules don't apply. Pyra & mythra are the aegis it makes other blades more like grunts
Mythra: there are others more powerful than me actually
Mythra remembers certain blade from the stars soldier like ghost & roach. Tall man defeated jinn & malos in seconds black hair with red accents half way at the end of the strands of hair.
His eyes glowed red & alien wolf like razor sharp human like teeth.
Ghost: Mythra you good?
Mythra: oh yeah
Pyra thought: if malos & jinn are back then where is ........
Alien looking T rex was sliced in half. The person wearing what look like a suit with a vest & other soldier looking gear & a modified M4A1
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