chapter 3:

418 3 0

Don't own anything

Author pov:

Roach took pyra's sword out of the jeep wrangler sized toad sheathed it behind his lower back pyra gave his scar H back checking his ammuntion bullets & grenade shells.

Ghost & mythra linked up finally.

Ghost: your in one piece mate.

Roach: yeah it was too easy

They heard footsteps they pointed their weapons at rex.

Rex: its me from the ship

Mythra: (sighed) you survived

Ghost: whats your name lad?

Rex: i'm rex. I'm a salvager so what are you too imperial soldiers?

Pyra: there not, there from another planet called earth, long story where's your titan friend


Roach: the big fella crashed up this way


They made it to gramps's crash site. Titan laying there wounded.

Pyra: oh no😢

Ghost: bloody hell. Cannon fire did a good number on him

After a few talks the titan vanished rex begin to cry & shout hugging ghost by the waist mythra smiled at this but blushed imagining why they look like married couple.

Gramps: i'm not dead

Roach: he's small?!

Rex: gramps?!

Ghost: so you revert to your size then huh?

Mythra: hey where's nia & dromarch?

I was playing modern warfare earlier today.

Finally shipment & shoot house are back


xenoblade 2: modern warfare CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now