Chapter 5

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The sun was at its full height in the sky as we stepped off the bus with Mei, despite it being bitingly cold. We were able to board due to her service dog status, which honestly comes in handy all too often. Yumi and I had a nice conversation on the bus... about... well... literally nothing important. We are two complete messy goofballs whenever we come together, and I think I have her bubbly personality to thank for that. She brought out my inner spaz and to be honest, all we really did was hurt our stomachs laughing over bad memes that she found on her phone. (Since my flip phone can't exactly use the internet....)

We made our way down the sidewalks and across a few streets, Mei hot on our heels and panting. After a few minutes of walking and a deep conversation about whether waffles or pancakes were better (pancakes.... duh) we made it to the large park. Looking around, I could see my new apartment building about two blocks away, so I pointed it out to Yumi.

"Yooooo that's pretty close!! You'll probably be coming here more often then." I nodded. "Oh! I have an idea! How about we stop by today! I wanna see what it's like!"

"Yea sure... but keep in mind that I still need to clean it. When I went in last I'm pretty sure I saw a layer of dust and some dead bugs." Yumi shivered in disgust.

"Gross..... How about we clean while we're there? There's a convenience store around here and I'm sure we can get a few basic cleaning supplies."

"Yea sure. I can also use that time to get the key to the room and the code to the building while I give them the initial payment and the initial flat fee."

"Works for me. While we're here, I'm gonna take Mei off her leash though. I don't see too many people around. Besides, she's well trained and just a little goofball."

We started making our way around the park, keeping to the main path as Mei stuck close while still investigating the environment around us with her nose, taking in every detail. We started talking about how it would be living by myself for a while, including how much I would miss my second family, then slowly drifted to my next choices in my schooling.

"Well... I mean, I have a few schools in mind. I think I'm gonna try out for a few of the top ten for this area, just in case I don't make the cut for one or another."

"Yea... I mean that's fair." A sudden flash of excitement crossed her face. "Aaaaaand what about the lovely U.A.??? That one ever crossed your mind? Huh? I know its number one for cranking out superheroes."

"No way. You forget..... my quirk isn't exactly.... well... super hero "worthy"." I gave her a sad smile before looking down at my hands. "It's more evil than anything... besides, no one would trust me if I tell others about it, and in a school focused on quirks, it would come out one way or another." Speaking of, the shadows had already turned to their original shapes, fully formed and visible. I looked around at them before my eyes landed on a not so spirit on the ground, Mei hovering above him, attacking his face with a barrage of kisses. "OH MY GOD MEI!" Yumi whipped her head around to where I ran to, pulling Mei up. "MEI! COME!" She obliged. "Now sit." Again, obliged. "Now apologize." She whined and gave sad eyes to the stranger, who was getting to his feet. He was rather tall, definitely around or above 6 foot, with spiky, purple hair, tired eyes, and a dark hoodie and jeans, which were covered in grass. Gosh dang it Mei.... I thought you only did that to me..... why must you attack a stranger!!!


(Stranger Pov)

I was making my way along my usual path, wanting to go check on the local cat that liked to stay around here when I hear the familiar mention of U.A.. I was continuing on until I heard the other person deny even wanting to go, stopping me in my tracks. Unusual... Most would go so far as to even sell their soul to get into U.A.

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