Chapter 4

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(Penrose/Yuna's POV)

I felt warm. Like I was surrounded by fluffy clouds warmed by the sun. But all I saw was black. The warmth stayed, but I started to feel a pressure. A crushing weight growing on me, squeezing my lungs of air and pinning me to wherever I was. It was overwhelming. Then I felt a presence. Something familiar, yet something that brought a sinking feeling and a need to run away. But I couldn't move.

'Good to see you again, my delicate rose' Called a voice in my head, mocking me. 'Why in the world would you want me gone? I'm all you have, you know. But oh well. You can't rid of me that easily. Besides, there's no escape from me now' I heard an echoing cackle that grew and grew in intensity and insanity. I was petrified. I wanted to run, to get away. Anywhere, anywhere but here..... 'See you soon, Penrose'


My eyes shot open, only to reveal my dim room illuminated by the faint, silver light of the moon. Looking over, I saw that Yumi was laying next to me, fast asleep. Turning back around, I saw my clock glow 4:13 am. I sighed. No way I'm sleeping now. Wiggling out of Yumi's grasp, I sat up in bed and gripped my head, almost to try to soothe the dull ache. Looking up, I was startled to see that there were still lingering shadows meandering about my room. Looks like my medicine isn't working anymore..... Just great. Not wanting to sit in bed anymore, I stood up and headed over to my closet to put on some casual clothes since I had accidentally slept in my uniform. Chucking off my uniform and replacing it with something clean, I slowly snuck out of the room, quietly closing the door behind me. The hallway was dark, but I could see fairly well in the dark. Making my way downstairs, I heard heavy click clacks coming out from behind me. Turning, I saw Mei coming up to me, putting her head under my hand so I would pet her. I smiled down at her. She really was so pure. I gave her a few pats before I headed for the kitchen, making my way through the shadowy forms. No matter what, my first instinct in the morning is to go the kitchen. Cuz like.... come on. Food

Turning on a dim light on the counter, I returned to the doorway to retrieve my computer out of my backpack. It was a brick. A solid brick. But I didn't mind. I grew up when my parents were really struggling financially, so I learned how to make the most out of what I had. Plus, I always want to get all the use out of my belongings that I could before getting new ones. Now that my family was on solid footing and even starting to make a decent income, I still liked sticking to getting the best use out of the resources I had. Which therefore led to my old, cheap computer and flip phone and home-done fixes on my clothes. I had gotten pretty good at mending clothes since my mom was a designer. 

Putting my computer on the island and sitting in one of the chair barstools, I opened it up and launched firefox (the only browser still supported) and set up to knock out some of my weekend assignments. I blew through the English assignments pretty fast since English class here is behind that of Wales, for obvious reasons. Next I started on math, one of my favorite subjects if I was to be honest. The way that equations break down and have solutions was so satisfying. I loved understanding the steps that got there and how there is always a certainty in it. Either it can be solved or it can't, and there may be different ways of coming to answers, but either way, it was logical and fun. Like a dance, I worked out my two math packets fairly fast, only stopping after that subject due to the increasing pressure in my head. I put my computer, papers, pencil and calculator back in my backpack, zipping it up and putting it back by the front door. Checking the time, I noticed it was already 6:08. Then an idea struck me. I felt really bad about last night, making my second family worry so dang much. So I'll make them a big, tasty breakfast. Albeit most of the stuff I make and like making are sweet related.... I don't think they'll mind some of that if I make a big enough selection though.

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