Chapter 6

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"Sooooo my dear guide, what perilous adventure awaits your humble servant?" I acted out, giving a dramatic bow at the end. Coming back up, I noticed his smile, which I returned in full.

"Well to be honest it isn't anything major," He told me, rubbing the back of his neck. "There's just a cat that lives around here and I wanted to check up on her since she hasn't been moving around a lot lately." OMG kitty kitty kitty kittykittyyyyyy My eyes were lighting up.

"How sweet!!" I praised. "I really hope there's nothing wrong with your little kitty friend."

"Yeah I hope so too. Well... should we start the trek? She prefers this secluded spot further down. It's on a hill but I'll let you know when we get there."

"Lead the way, Mr. Boss Man!" Once he started walking, I made sure to try to keep pace, but soon realized that even my speed walking skills were no match for his long legs. "Hey uh... I know this sounds weird, but would you mind slowing down? I know you're pretty tall but geez you even outwalk me and I thought I was a decent speedwalker..." I panted and we came to a stop.

"Oh yea sorry about that... I'm just sorta stuck in my thoughts is all. You are pretty short though, huh?"

"HEY WHO YOU CALLIN SHORT??" He held up his hands as surrender. "155 centimeters is plenty tall..." I grumbled.

"I'm not mocking you, but now I see why people say shorties are so feisty."

"It's cuz we're closer to satan." I deadpanned. He stared at me before completely loosing it and cracking up, and I giggled back. Wow I don't know where that came from but hey... I guess it's true.

"What, does that mean tall people are closer to heaven?" He joked back.

"Yea sure, I don't see why not." I shrugged. "You're like... TALL tall so who knows? Be careful though, you might sprout wings with how angelic you are, oh Mr. 'I make sure to care for animals in my free time'. Pretty dang angelic to me."

"Only if you say so. But I can't just leave a hurting kitty be." He gave a sad smile to nothing in particular.

"I understand... Animals aren't given the same amount of care as people and can be easily mistreated. But it's good to know there are people out there like you who take their care in your own hands." We carried on down the path, just slower so I could keep up. I couldn't help but look around at the nature around me. Meandering spirits wondered about, weaving through the trees and the path as if they were carrying on with their lives, not realizing they had passed. It was sad, yet peaceful. Closing my eyes, I took in a deep breathe, feeling the cold on my nose, cheeks and ears. Smelling the faint aroma of the slowly growing greenery. The grass. The wet ground from melted snow. The faint smell of my detergent and conditioner around me. It was all so nice. Before I opened my eyes, I bumped into something in front of me and fell back. Looking up, I saw it was Hitoshi.

"Oh shoot I'm so sorry I wasn't looking--"

"Dang sorry I didn't give any warning before I--" We both started at the same time, and before I said anything else, he offered me his hand and helped me up, though he sorta overdid it and I almost went in the other direction.

"Whoops didn't mean to overdo it there. You alright? You just are lighter than I thought..."

"Yea I'm good."

"That's good. Oh! By the way, we're here." He gestured to a small hill behind me. Looking over, I gasped when I saw the spirit of a long, Japanese dragon, intertwined between the winding trees, perching on the branches. Below it was a little box at the base of a large tree. I was at a loss for words. Not often did I encounter other beings than spirits of the living, but the pressure from even the soul of this being was overwhelming.

"See that box over there? Yea that's where Tora stays. She won't really leave this area, so I figured I would put a nice padded box out for her one day." My jaw was still wide open, and with no response, Hitoshi looked over at me and knitted up his eyebrows in concern. "What is it? Is there something wrong?" I shook my head to get out of it. The dragon was now looking at me.

"No it's just.... I can see why she wouldn't leave...." Probably shouldn't have said that...

"What do you mean?" Oh shoot how should I explain this?

The face of the dragon was getting closer, winding through the network of the trees to move closer to me. "There's sorta... A deity guarding this place. Or at least there was. I guess Tora felt its pressure..." I was now face to face with the dragon, its face bigger than my body.

"I don't understand...." I move my eyes from the dragon, but I responded. Man I really don't like having to explain some of my quirk...

"Well ya see... part of my quirk is being able to see and interact with spirits and souls." My mouth was dry. I swallowed. "And, well.... there's a dragon here. And it just so happens.... That its face is right in front of mine..." I was too focused on maintaining eye contact that I couldn't see or care about his reaction. Whether it be fear, hatred, or any other of the usual, I didn't know and couldn't care. The dragon pressed its forehead to mine, and I closed my eyes. I could hear his voice... but it also sounded like my own, just... not quite.

"This one is correct." Words were in my head. "I had resided here for a millennia, but now all that is left, is my spirit. That boy has done well to care for this cat that has taken refuge here. Though I am afraid she will not last much longer... She is pregnant and has an illness that will take her when she gives birth." Tears were falling from my eyes. "Oh do not cry, child. I will ensure she passes peacefully. But for your kindness I will lend you my soul whenever you shall need to call upon me. For now, farewell kindhearted humans." When I opened my eyes, my tears were gone. Only a second or two had passed. I stared at the place where he once was.

"So that's what keeps you from going to U.A.?" I whipped my head around. "Sorry. I overheard some of your conversation with your friend, but honestly.... that is one unique quirk if I do say so myself. Though I can't imagine what it's like to see the dead everywhere. That must be scary." Slowly I made my way over, reaching out and hugging this not so stranger. I squeezed as I shoved my face into his chest. "Guess I was right on that one, huh?" I nodded into him.

"To be honest it is sorta scary but I don't know what all it does. It freaks everyone out." I'll just keep the part about trying to suppress it to myself.... I looked up at him. "But thank you." I was looking into his eyes, and he gave me a look of understanding. Realizing I was still hugging someone I met like an hour ago I let go and apologized.

"Nah you're good. Though I guess it's good you're warming up to me pretty fast. I guess it just proves the strength of my character." I hit him on the shoulder. "Hey!!!" I shrugged it off. I didn't hit him hard thought.... like at all.... "How about we go see Tora though? She's a sweety."

"Yeah." I smiled, walking with him to the box beneath the tree. "That'd be nice. Oh and Hitoshi?"



"No problem. Though I think that's like the first time you've actually used my name."

"Correction: It's the second." I smirked condescendingly. He rolled his eyes as he walked on without me. "Hey! I'm sorry I was just jokin with ya! I'm sorryyyyyyy!"

Author's Note:

Wow this chapter feels like an absolute steamy pile of garbage. Oh well. I wanted to introduce our precious kitty mama and dragon boi but yea I suck at writing interactions soooooo.... whoopsie.

Hope it at least was semi decent, even though it's short. I lowkey wrote this at like 3 am and only edited it a little but I'm just at a loss tbh I don't know how to make it un-suck. Yea. I sorta had been writing this story for like a solid five days in a row and the burnout is showing. Anyways...

Hope you guys enjoy. :)

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