Chapter 10

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Chapter 10 ; Mute

My Name


My Pov ;


Ever go ' my life is so fucked up? ' while your doing your homework or you just said something that you werent suppose to say?

Well neither Sasuke or Naruto ever thought that.
( Ha I fooled you )

After Sasuke lay down next Naruto only for Naruto to wake up, Naruto just stared at Sasuke, making this the most awkward moment in both of their lives. But thank god, Sasuke closed his eyes before Naruto opened his and it looked like Sasuke fell asleep.

Sasuke felt sweat form on his temple from trying to close his eyes and not knowing how Naruto is gonna react.

Sasuke felt the bed shift, as he felt Naruto sit up, and hear him yawning.

Sasuke felt Naruto's eyes roam him as more sweat formed at the back of his neck.

Sasuke expected Naruto to start shouting something like '' Get off my bed! '' or '' Idiot what you doing!?'' but than rememebered that Naruto doesn't speak which sparked a new interest in Sasuke.

' Why doesn't Naruto talk? '

Just as Sasuke thought that, he felt a drop in his stomach before he in reality got pushed on the shoulders and his body hit the carpet floor.

Sasuke hissed as he fell on the floor, not liking the feeling of being pushed and he quickly sat up, giving a glare to his crush who he was quite annoyed with right now.

Naruto stared back with flushed cheeks either from the heat or embarrasement , the glare not really doing anything to affect Naruto.

Instead Naruto stood up and started walking away, trying to ignore Sasuke and what just happened.

Sasuke growled as he watched Naruto walk away.

'' Where are you going? '' Sasuke growled out not so nicely not knowing why he got annoyed when he slept next to Naruto and it was his fault Naruto got annoyed.

Of course he wasn't really expecting an awnser.

Sasuke grunted as he stood up fast.

'' Don't you walk away '' Sasuke snapped as with force he grabbed Naruto's shoulder earning a surprised squeak from Naruto and pushed him against the wall.

Naruto quicky snapped out of his shock when his body colided with the wall.

Anger flashed in his eyes as Naruto looked up Sasuke's angry ones.

' What the hell is doing!? ' Naruto thought bitterly ' I only fricking pushed him off the bed '

Blue eyes stared at dark black ones as Sasuke kept both sides of Naruto's shoulders pinned to the wall.

If Naruto wanted to attack him, Sasuke would feel the movement before Naruto did it since both of Sasuke's thumbs were pressed at a spot on the shoulder were you would be able to feel the muscle move.

Without warning Sasuke's mouth opened to let words come out;

'' Say my name ''

Naruto's eyes widened as he stared at Sasuke's serious face. This wasn't a joke.

' What ..? ' Naruto thought but his lips stayed shut.

'' Say my name '' Sasuke repeated as if Naruto didn't hear him the first time.

Naruto repiled by turned his head away and turning his head from side to side in a childish way as a sign of ' No '.

Sasuke grunted as he quickly moved up his knee to Naruto's crotch making Naruto's eyes widened as Naruto gasped out .

Sasuke leaned closer to Naruto's ear, his hands moving down Naruto's shoulders to Naruto's wrists. Sasuke bit his tongue to hold back a smirk.

Sasuke pressed his knee harder against Naruto's crotch making Naruto let out a loud gasp again.

Sasuke didn't want to make his tongue bleed so he let out the smirk he was dying to let out.

'' Say my name.. Naruto '' Sasuke whispered into Naruto's ear.

Naruto's eyes widened more as he listened to Sasuke's voice.

Naruto's cheeks suddenly turned red as the blonde hair fell over his eyes. Naruto began to open his mouth-


Sasuke growled in an annoyed tone as he just wanted to bark for the person to go away.

Before Sasuke could whisper for Naruto to carry on, Naruto shoved hard and Sasuke stumbled using the coffee table as help from falling. Sasuke shaked his head before looking at Naruto who was walking away.

" W-wait Naru-"

* BAM *

Naruto slammed the bathroom door before Sasuke could finish off his sentence and locked the door making sure Sasuke wouldn't walk in. Sasuke growled loudly, showing his annoyed and anger side as he picked himself up.

Bless the person knocking on the door. God bless him because the devil was going to answer it. A pissed off, annoyed and angey one.

Heres the chapter- enjoy:)

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