Chapter 1

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-Aren't you uncomfortable? I mean we are talking about a Death eater after all, that man KILLED people and they are not only letting them go but putting you as his babysitter?-

-If I am uncomfortable or not doesn't really matter, it's my job and I am the only capable or available to do it- she simply replied grabbing her belongings and putting them on her suitcase, sure she could use magic but being a muggle born and a very stubborn old fashioned girl made her do it herself, she didn't liked using magic to such simple tasks, ''such a waste of magic'' she thought.

She shrugged and the man massaged the roof of his nose, he couldn't believe that they chose his best friend, a current Auror, to take the job of interviewer and babysitter of one of the most feared Voldemort's allies. Yes she was very capable of defending herself and Lucius wouldn't even have a wand but both of them knew that the man was very well capable of wandless magic.

-And what if he tries something! That man can-... I don't really want to say it but you know too that he can and will probably try to kill you as soon as you appear- he finished his sentence grabbing his friend by the arms trying to catch her attention like he's been trying for hours. –You know he hates everything that's not pure-blooded and you-

-Mark...- She cut him off, looking at his friend in the eyes with a soft smile trying to calm his nerves down- He won't. If he's as smart as people give him credit for, he won't even try to lift a finger my way, I'm his only way out of Azkaban and to freedom, I'm pretty sure he'll behave like the good boy he was supposed to be from the beginning. - He just simply sighed and let his friend go, she stepped in the chimney and before he could say something else she was gone leaving just a small amount of green fire where she used to be.

Lucius was sitting on the big table looking at literally nothing, he's been spacing out since the very moment he was told that he could go back home and basically forced to go without a wand nor anything else, being threatened by every single soul he came across that if he even dared to try something, he was going back to Azkaban for life. He couldn't understand why they let him go after everything that happened and the sudden thought of his family made him tremble, Narcissa was long gone and Draco... gods he didn't even know what happened to his son.

Startled by the sudden noise of the fire explosion on his chimney, he was taken out of his thoughts to look directly at the young lady that appeared walking confidently to the table, leaving her old suitcase on the floor next to one of the chairs to look directly his way. He didn't catch a single glimpse of fear or hatred on her eyes and that got his attention greatly.

–Haven't you taken breakfast yet? That's no way to start a day don't you think? - She scolded him as if he were just a child and called for a house elf to prepare Lucius a proper breakfast. Another elf offered to take her suitcase but she simply asked him politely to show her the new room that'll be hers for the time being. The man still taken back and looked at her until she disappeared through the stairs, nobody informed him that she was coming to the manor, and much less that she was staying.

-What a curious little thing...- he murmured to himself looking at his breakfast with a light smile, taking the delicate silver fork between his fingers to start eating, even if he really didn't had the appetite to, ''better not disobey'' he thought to himself. Going back to Azkaban was not on his to do list and he really expected worse than a nice breakfast and a babysitter on his first day back. 

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