10) Jungwoo | Soulmate of The Day

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Min Karin holds her bag strings tightly with her eyes keep on focusing on the street. It's much better this way. She would rather choose to not looking straight forward and get knocked by a car than to lift her face, making eye contact with random guy and be his soulmate of the day.

In a cursed world where there is no permanent love, people keep on changing their soulmate to the first person they make eye contact on a day. And all of the memories they had together will only last till the very moment they fall asleep at night.

There is a myth that this curse happened as 10 000 years ago, there was an angel who came to the earth and fell in love with a man. They made a promise that they will keep on loving each other till their last breath. However, the man then left the angel for another girl and this made the angel's heart broke into thousands of tiny pieces. And because of that, the human being had been cursed to not be able to feel what is the meaning of true love - not until they propose to someone and break the curse.

As for a normal teenager like Min Karin, she has not been proposed by anyone yet nor she proposes to anyone. And she hates it when it comes to the soulmate thing. For her, that is the cruellest thing in the world. People are not able to feel true love and even if they started to feel it, it won't last long. All of those precious feelings will vanish when they wake up in the morning.

But it's unavoidable. Once a male and a female made the eye contact, fate will bring them together and there will be the slightest feeling of love in each of their heart. How much that feeling will grow up depends on how they suit each other.

While Karin is walking while looking at the street like she could burn a hole through it with her two eyes, a bump from the back makes her fall with both of her knees on hitting the street. She screams from both the shock and the pain.

The guy in the school uniform who was running when he accidentally bumped into Karin, stops right away and runs back to get her.

"Are you okay?" He asks while kneeling right in front of her.

Karin is infuriating with what the boy did to her but the soft tone of his voice fades Karin's rage away.

She looks at the boy whose face is just an inch from her, except for his higher position - and regrets her action right away. "Oh my God," she turns her face away as she remembers that that is her first eye contact for today.

But nothing changes. She doesn't feel anything. Maybe this guy had his first eye contact of the day already, she thinks. This might happen sometimes if one of the pair already made an eye contact with someone else.

"I'm sorry, I was rushing to school. Let me help you." The guy then holds her hand and help her to stand up.

Karin takes a glance at her watch and notices that there are only ten minutes left before the gate will be closed. And she won't make it on time with her legs' condition right now.

"That must be hurt... I'm sorry but I don't have any plaster right now. I'll help you walk to school. So, what school you attend?" He asks while helping her to walk as she is not able to walk properly because there is a wound on both of her knees.

"Thanks. It's Hong Seung High School."

"We almost there."

"Is it okay with you? You will be late for school. I'm sorry." She looks at his blazer and he is wearing Lee Sung High School's badge. That school is two kilometres away.

"I'm not the type of following all of the school rules though," he says nonchalantly before both of them chuckle.

Karin's laugh ceases after she sees the name right above the badge. Kim Jungwoo. It sounds familiar. Very familiar.

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