18) Jaemin | Coffee & Bread

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"Customer no 23 and 24. Your order is ready."

Jaemin gets up from his seat and takes the morning set he ordered which includes any chosen drink and any chosen type of bread. Just like what he always ordered every day before, he ordered an eight-shots espresso which is his favourite drink.

A girl with long straight hair who is also the customer with the number 24 comes some seconds later and just takes the one set left on the counter.

They both walk through the exit and go to their separate ways while drinking their beverage before...

Jaemin is almost vomiting.

The girl is coughing badly. "What is this bitter poison?!!!"

Listening to her words, Jaemin rushes to her. "Miss, I think we mistook our breakfast."

"Do you get strawberry milk instead?" Every inch of her face is frowning, showing how bad the coffee tasted.

Jaemin can not hold the disgusting taste of that strawberry plus milk which are two of the things he hates the most. He quickly grabs the coffee from the girl and slurps it as much as he thinks he needs to vanish the strawberry milk flavour in his throat.

The girl watches him drinking the coffee she thought was poison in so much appetite. That is unbelievable. "A-Are you a human being for real?"

"Why? You think my coffee is poison. But your strawberry plus milk is a double poison for me, you know?" He is now able to swallow normally.

"I don't understand what you are saying but you should at least read the label carefully before taking your meal."

"It's not my fault though. The cafe should use a transparent cup instead of this polystyrene cup. And WHY DON'T YOU read your label carefully instead?" Jaemin is already bringing up his voice. He didn't want to bring this thing this far but how this girl reacts and how the drink almost made him throw out in front of the cafe can't make him remain calm.

"Because that is the only thing left for me. And if you're not at fault AT ALL, then sue this cafe for using a polystyrene cup!" She is staring at him fiercely. How this boy is not admitting his fault is infuriating her.

They are having a staring contest when the bus stopped right in front of them and the girl runs towards the bus. She better not getting late to school just because of this annoying guy.

"That girl is just..." He rolls his eyes in annoyance before noticing that he supposed to take the bus to school too. "Argh!" He can't believe he just missed the bus and now he needs to run to school. That girl drove him nuts!


It is an uncommon situation to happen in Coffee & Bread Cafe. It is a full house. They even put more tables outside of the building so more people can be seated. But Jaemin hardly finds an empty seat.

"What's the occasion for today?" He asks the staff at the counter.

"It's the owner's birthday so we have a 50% discount for today only," the girl gives a wide smile to her customer.

"Oh, I see... I want eight shots of espresso."

"As usual I see," the girl then repeats the order to the kitchen staff and Jaemin just shows his bright smile to the girl who seems to remember him and his favourite drink. No wonder she does remember as out of the customers, he is the weirdest among all by having eight shots of coffee almost every day.

He looks at an empty chair at the corner of the cafe. He guesses that's the only empty chair left. There is a girl who sits opposite to that seat but he doesn't mind it. He just wants to rest a little while drinking his coffee.

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